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"Boy in the striped pyjamas" - Letter to grandmother

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Dear grandmother,

I am very distressed about living in this dreadful place. I really absolutely hate it! I can't believe that mum and dad wanted to move from the best house ever! It had 5 floors if you included the basement and the top floor with the window where I could see the whole of Berlin and the banister which I loved. I miss Berlin so much but most of all I miss you and grandfather and my three best friends for live. I would like to play with you and have fun by exploring.
This house is really small. It only has 3 floors which mean that all our rooms and the bathroom is on one floor. In Berlin I had explored every single place, the streets and the house, except of the office from father. However here I can't explore anything in this place Not even the new back garden because it is 'out of bounds'. Whatever that means. There are no other houses or families. I can't play with other kids and make friends. So all in all I can't do anything.
I found it really tedious with nothing to do, so I decided to make a swing in a large oak tree a good distance from the house in the front little garden. To make the swing I needed a rope which I found in the basement and a tyre for that I had to ask Lieutenant Kotler a soldier of my father and I am a little bit scared of him. He is always so serious.
So I have to go to bed now. I hope you write back soon and tell me all what's going on by you and in berlin. I am really looking forward to hear something from you.
Yours Bruno

Letter from bruno to his grandmother.
Bruno rights a letter to his grandmother how his life is now in the new place. (302 Wörter)
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