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Kurzvortrag korrigieren

Frage: Kurzvortrag korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 9
Hi, ich muss bald einen Vortrag halten und wollte fragen, ob jemand den Vortrag korrigieren könnte. Schon einmal danke im Voraus.

Do you know the situation, you are walking through the street and every few minutes, a homeless person is sitting next to you. And most of the people pay no heed to this unknown people. Do you ever look in his face? Based on my own experience, I can say that the homeless people are often very sad and unhappy.

And this is the reason, why we have found your NGO which is called HAPPINES FOR HOMELESS.

Our NGO stand for the homeless people. We want to help, especially the homeless people in Berlin, to get a better and more joyful life.
To achieve this, we offer on the one hand many activities for the homeless people. Some examples are, that we go for a walk with them, to improve the social contact, since often these people are alone and have no one to speak with. Other activities are a trip in the cinema or a cooking course. To conclude, all activities have the same aim to increase the vitality of the homeless people.
But we also support them, when they have to manage important things for example going to the department or the doctor.
Another thing is, that we use the donations to buy food and bring it to the homeless people, or they come to us, and collect or eat the food it in one of our food centres. But then we ask ourself, where they leave their things, when they come to our centres, since they can`t take all their things with them. And to ensure, that they can come to us or visit other places without the fear, that some could steal something, we have created a project, which Tom want to present you now.
Frage von Flowerdreamflo | am 04.12.2016 - 20:21

Beiträge 40272
Antwort von matata | 04.12.2016 - 20:38
heisst der Titel deines Vortrages und wie hiess die genaue Aufgabenstellung?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 9
Antwort von Flowerdreamflo | 05.12.2016 - 17:00
Hi wir hatten die Aufgabe uns eine eigne NGO (Non-governmental organization, deutsch NRO = Nicht-Regierungsorganisation) auszudenken und diese vorzustellen.
(Das ist nur ein Teil des Vortrags)

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