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Referat: New York - Sights

Alles zu USA - Städte

New York

is divided into
Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Bronx


  • most famous with many sights

Statue of liberty
  • emblem of USA
  • symbol of freedom
  • gift of France people
  • was erected in 1886
  • can visit with an conducted boat tour of the harbour

Empire State Building
  • was completed in 1931
  • 381 m, aerial 450 m
  • highest building
  • till in the seventies

Financial District
  • first settlers
  • Wall Street constituted with wall a border to the indians
  • 19th century 1st banks establishmented
  • today: big banks
  • famous: Federal Reserve Bank; 10.000 t gold
  • NY Stock Exchange

  • 150 years
  • diffrent to other parts
  • narrow, colourful, crazy
  • many don’t speak English

Times Square
  • between 7th avenue a.Broadway
  • lights a. advertising
  • cinemas, restaurants, stores; in t. night
  • parads, presentations, shows

Ellis Island
  • island
  • 1st station
  • mueseum today

Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • next Guggenheim Museum
  • was found 1869
  • biggest art exhibition

Central Park
  • was created 1857
  • 330 h
  • 2nd biggest
  • only in Munich
  • with e.g. ways to jogging, skating a. biking
  • big lake
  • zoo

  • oldest; longest street
  • culture centrum with theatres, cinemas, opera houses

Rockefeller Center
  • was built in the thirthteens by John D. Rockefeller
  • place where you can go shopping, eating a. working
  • with stores cafés, restaurants a. offices
  • icerink a. radio music hall , only some sights of rfc

more sights:
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Chrysler Builing
  • Lincoln Center
  • Fifth Avenue
  • Guggenheim Museum
  • Museum of Modern Art


  • heart of Wildlife Conservation Society
  • work to save wildlife a. wildplaces around world
  • over 4000 animals
  • e.g. tigers in Tiger Mountains
  • gorillas in Western Mountains
  • leopards in naturalistic Himalayan Highlands

Yankee Stadium


John F. Kennedy Airport
  • construction bagan April 1942
  • 1st flight was on the 1st July of 1948
  • was formally dedicated as NY International Airport on the 31 July of 1948
  • was re-dedicated on the 24 Decembre of 1963 as


Brooklyn Bridge
  • was built 1884
  • over 20 year; longest
  • over 80 m high
  • over 1 km long
Hier gehts um die Sehenswürdigkeiten in New York! Kurzvortrag mit Stichpunkten auf Englisch!
Der Kurzvortrag ist gegliedert in Allgemein, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens! (424 Wörter)
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