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In my opinion... - bitte um Korrektur😊

Frage: In my opinion... - bitte um Korrektur😊
(7 Antworten)

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In my personal opinion the cartoon is scary because it shows the truth how people are being exploited.
And also I agree with the author of the cartoon because it`s still a present situation. Poor people working in very bad conditions. The grounds are large poverty and cheap labor available in abundance. Producers save at all: content, buildings, machinery and food. Western labels allow for this situation, in that producers are pressured. And in that outsourcing takes place in order to circumvent Western labor standards and so to save money. The consequence is, that we carry the western consumer the responsibility for what happens in China, Bangladesh etc.
In order to change that western brand conscious have to be informed of these circumstances and be willing to were to buy that are made fare. On the conditions to make a change requires the cooperation of consumers, the producers and government in western countries and the developing countries.
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.05.2016 - 01:20

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Helena42 | 08.05.2016 - 09:40
zu 1) The reasons are huge poverty and to have plenty of cheap workers.

zu 2)
To change something,
western consumers have to be informed about these circumstances and have to be ready to buy more expensive wares, which are produced fairly.

zu 3)
To change these circumstances consumers, producers and the developing countries have to work together.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 08.05.2016 - 03:00
Wo kann man diesen Cartoon sehen? Was trägt er für einen Titel oder wer hat ihn gezeichnet?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Helena42 | 08.05.2016 - 09:06
In my personal opinion the cartoon is scary because it shows the truth how people are being exploited. And also I I also agree with the author of the cartoon because it`s still a present situation: Poor people working in under very bad conditions. The grounds (was meinst du mit "grounds"?) are large poverty and cheap labor available in abundance. Producers save at all: content, buildings, machinery and food. Western labels allow for this situation, in that producers are pressured. And in That outsourcing takes place in order to circumvent Western labor standards and so to save money. The consequence is, that we carry the western consumer the responsibility for what happens in China, Bangladesh etc.
In order to change that western brand conscious (who?) have to be informed of these circumstances and be willing to were to buy that are made fare. (Den Satz versteh ich nicht) On the conditions to make a change requires the cooperation of consumers, the producers and the government in western countries and the developing countries. (Der Satz macht leider keinen Sinn)

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.05.2016 - 09:15
1) Zitat= The grounds (was meinst du mit "grounds"?) are large poverty and cheap labor available in abundance.

- Die Gründe sind große Armut und billige Arbeitskräfte im Überfluss vorhanden.

2) Zitat= In order to change that western brand conscious (who?) have to be informed of these circumstances and be willing to were to buy that are made fare.

-Um daran etwas zu ändern muss westlich Konsumente über dieses Umstände imformiert werden und bereit sein um Waren zu kaufen, die fair hergestellt werden.

3) Zitat= On the conditions to make a change requires the cooperation of consumers, the producers and the government in western countries and the developing countries. (Der Satz macht leider keinen Sinn)

-An den Bedingungen etwas zu ändern erfordert die Zusammenarbeit von Konsumenten, Produzente und den Entwicklungsländern.

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Helena42 | 08.05.2016 - 09:40
zu 1) The reasons are huge poverty and to have plenty of cheap workers.

zu 2)
To change something,
western consumers have to be informed about these circumstances and have to be ready to buy more expensive wares, which are produced fairly.

zu 3)
To change these circumstances consumers, producers and the developing countries have to work together.

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.05.2016 - 09:59
Danke 😊

Zitat= The consequence is, that we carry the western consumer the responsibility for what happens in China, Bangladesh etc.

-hiermit wollte ich sagen= "Die folge ist, dass wir westliche Verbraucher die Verantwortung für das, was in China, Bangladesch etc passiert, tragen

Ist die Überdetzung dann aicj richtig?😊

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Helena42 | 08.05.2016 - 10:35
Ich versteh nicht ganz, warum das eine Folge sein soll.?! Ich würde den Satz folgendermaßen übersetzen:
The western consumers are responsible for what happens in China, Bangladesch etc.

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.05.2016 - 10:45
Okey vielen Dank😊

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