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Describe and analyze the Cartoon (Bitte um Korrektur)

Frage: Describe and analyze the Cartoon (Bitte um Korrektur)
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 5
Hallo Leute, 
ich muss morgen eine Hausaufgabe abgeben und bitte euch folgendes Cartoon (s.
Foto) zu korrigieren. 

Ich habe hingeschrieben: 

Description: In the cartoon you can see a girl and boy sitting on the couch in their living room. They both have their laptops on their legs and don`t talk or look to each other. On the ground, next to their feed a dog is lying on the left side in the cartoon

Analysis: This cartoon should show that social networking destroys verbal communication. Mostly Teenagers prefer to send a message via facebook instead of talking to each other. If it`s the laptop or smartphone. The author of this cartoon wants to show the bad side of social networking and the new media.

Opinion: My own Opinion about this cartoon has two sides and isn`t decided. It`s true that a lot of people live like that and some of them should realize that they have a problem. But not everybody. In my town, we go out and have no problem without social networks all the time.

Was meint ihr dazu? 

Danke im voraus
Frage von Chabachaba | am 11.11.2014 - 16:32

Beiträge 5
Antwort von milli_wiegand | 11.11.2014 - 18:00
Hallo Chabachaba,

was meinst du mit dem Satz bzw.
was möchtet du darin ausdrücken: "My own Opinion about this cartoon has two sides and isn`t decided" ?
Deine Beschreibung ist soweit ganz ok. Der letzte Satz deiner description wäre allerding so besser: On the left side of the cartoon there is a dog lying on the floor.
Ansonsten meiner Meinung nach gut.


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