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Comment Korrektur

Frage: Comment Korrektur
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Question: Should be abandon our search for the real differences between the sexes and give up this "pernicious pinknification of little girls", as one scientist has put it?

topic: gender

Since the early 60s and 70s there is a discussion about how fare the genders set apart.
This discussion also created a study and a course of studies in universities. This leads to the question: Should be abandon our search for the real differences between the sexes and give up this "pernicious pinknification of little girls", as one scientist has put it?

In my opinion we should really abandon this search of the differences between the genders, because there is a lot more important things to explore such as a cure for cancer. But we should further fight for the gender equalities in every country, we should not focusing about the differences, we should focusing on the mission that every man and woman should have equal opportunities and respect.

In conclusion i just can continue to insist that we should stop searching for the gender difference, stop to waist the time to this and we should go further to search a cure for different diseases.
Frage von debbydhawan | am 31.01.2016 - 18:27

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