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Zusammenfassung vom Buch Christmas Carol/versteht man das so

Frage: Zusammenfassung vom Buch Christmas Carol/versteht man das so
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 41
Scrooge hates Christmas and everything that has to do with it.
but one day, on Christmas Eve, he is visited by his former Business Partner and friend Marley, who tells him that he would visit three ghosts. So one after the ghost of Christmas past, Christmas present and the future of Christmas appeared tho him. The first Spirit showed him almost or Long- forgotten Events at Christmas. The second Spirit showed him things that happened that night and how People thought about him, making him already made thoughtfuly. But only the Spirit of Christmas Future culd finally open his eyes that he Needs something to cangein. On Christmas morning he put it to wortk in pratice.
Frage von patrick123 | am 04.01.2016 - 11:22

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 04.01.2016 - 14:26
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