Referat: Reading Log zu "About a boy"

By Alexander Esser, Form 11
Reading Log
Chapter Pages Who? Where? When? What? Comments 1 1 – 5 Marcus,his motherRoger their flat in London in the evening,
during the summer holidays Mother has split upMarcus cares for her Introduction 2 6 – 11 Will Freeman,John & Christine,Imogen,Barney (9),
Jessica (11) Will`s flat, John`s house How cool is Will Freeman?visit to friends,godfatherremembers of Jessica Will hates family life 3 12 – 18 Marcus at school,at home 2nd day at school Marcus is tortured Marcus is different (singing, behaviour,looking) 4 12 – 27 Will,Angie (got to know in shopping mall), different places, cafés, Indian restaurant, … six weeks,
Fiona at school,at home l Marcus is tortured, looses his friends of the computer club because of mobbing,mother cries just in the morning Marcus is frightened because of his mother crying, cares of her 6 35 – 41 Will,SPAT women (Suzie,…) room in a school Will joins SPAT to get to know single mothers 7 42 – 48 Marcus,his mother at home Marcus cares of his mother,feels responsible 8 49 – 59 Will,Suzie,Marcus parc SPAT meeting,Marcus gets to know Will, doesn`t like him very much 9 60 – 65 Will,Suzie,Marcus,(Fiona) parc Marcus kills a Duck,begins to likes Will as he helps him against the keeper,Marcus has a halluzination of his mother,Fiona tries to kill herself Dead Duck Day 10 66 – 71 Will,Suzie,Marcus at hospital mother is in hospital Marcus very serious(”oldest 12-year-old boy”) 11 72 – 79 Fiona,Marcus,
Suzie at home everything is normal again,Marcus can’t believe it, is frightened of the whole thing happening again 12 80 – 87 Will,Marcus at Will’s flat Will wants to spend more time with Fiona and Marcus ”new life” 13 88 – 97 Fiona,Marcus,
at Will’s flat Marcus has to tell his mum about the sneakers,he isn’t allowed to go to Will for a while,he wants to be on his own 18 138 – 149 Will,
at Will’s flat November Will goes out with Fiona to talk about Marcus 19 150 – 157 Marcus,
Mrs. Morrison,Elllie
at Mrs. Morrison’s office Marcus has to go to the headmistress because of the stolen shoes,he gets to know Ellie Mrs. Morrison: “Keep out of their way.” 20 158 – 164 Marcus,
in a street,at Will’s flat Marcus doesn`t go to school,Will sees him, doesn`t say something,Marcus goes to Will’s flat,Will can’t help Marcus to grow up because he behaves like a child himself
Vocabulary List
English German Page
achieve etw. erreichen 10
burst explodieren 11
clutter Unordnung 8
compound etw. verschlimmern 10
depth Tiefe 11
diaper Windel 9
domesticity (no pl) häusliches Leben 11
embrace umarmen 11
frivolity (no pl) mangelnde Ernsthaftigkeit 10
froth Schaum 10
hatred Hass 11
kid Spaß machen 11
leap springen 11
mug Becher 9
oblivion Vergessenheit 10
pathetic Mitleid erregend, jämmerlich 10
peculiar seltsam 10
pride Hochmut 11
require etw. benötigen, verlangen 9
sequitur Folge 9
shallow oberflächlich 11
skint pleite 10
smug 9
sodding (ugs.) Scheiß- 9
swallow hinunter schlucken 11
tray Korb, Platte, Teller 9
Die Aufgabe war es, zu dem Buch "About a boy" ein Reading Log (eine Art Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Informationen) zu erstellen. (6-Seitige Tabelle) (611 Wörter)
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