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Weihnachten in Großbritannien: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Weihnachten in Großbritannien: Bitte korrigieren
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Beiträge 14
Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich bitte euch mein EnglsichText zu lesen und die Rechtsschreibung und Grammatik zu verbessern. Muss ich heute noch abgeben. Im Voraus vielem dank.

In Britain the Advent calendar door are also opened in December. At christmas the people write Christmas card to all Friends and Familys. On 19 December the decorates our Christmas tree with christmas decorations. 24 December is the christmas Eve, they put the present under the tree and hung up a christmas stocking to the fireplace, because the Father Christmas is coming down, the chimney. 25 December is Christmas day. They sing Christmas Carols. The stocking are full of presents. They are open our presents in the morning. At Christmas day, they pull Christmas cracker. Two o‘clock the family have a christmas Dinner lunch with turkey, vegetables, roast potatoes, carrots and brussel sprouts. And they eats a christmas Pudding.
Frage von Edooo | am 17.12.2020 - 14:24

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