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Polo-Sport: Text korrigieren, bitte vielen Dank

Frage: Polo-Sport: Text korrigieren, bitte vielen Dank
(2 Antworten)

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Hallo könntet ihr bitte mein text korrigieren und mir Tipps geben danke =)

: Polo is a gane played on a field with 2 Teams of 4 players each. They, play on the backs of hurses. The aim of the game is to score each other. Hurses are used in this sport. Other used exuipments in this sports are a ball, field usually 275 meters long an 138 meters wirdey a smallan wooden or plasic ball an mallets. Soon I will tell you somethingabout the equipment...

2. History of polo:
The origins of polo can be traced to 300 BC in the Indian state of Manipur. where it was played under the name Sagol Kangjei.It was said to be spread even to 525 BC under the name Pulu in Persia. Over the centuries it came to other countries, including Tibet, China, India and Japan. During the fifties of the 19th century British officers learned the game in India and bringing it to the UK. The first polo club in the modern era was founded in the 1859 Assam Cachar Club. In England it first played in 1869, in the United States began with Polo 1876. Dachberband The is the Hurlinghan Polo Association in London. Hurlingham introduced in 1874 for the first time a game 
The Polo Sport knows no leagues such as Football or handball. The tournaments are available in all countries a distinction is drawn for low-, medium-or high-goal-Class: in the UK low-goal tournaments have a limit of teamhandicap of 10 (sum of the handicaps of players on a team) and be 4 Chukka (=game part of 7.5 minutes) played, medium-goal tournaments go from 12 to 15 and take 4 or 5 Chukka, high-goal tournaments range 17-22 and are 5 or 6 Chukka long. Confederationof British Polo Club Hurlingham Polo Association is the. The professional players are united in the British Association of Professional Polo Player. For the young, the Schools and Universities Polo Association be responsible. Prince Philip is co-founder and president of the Guards Polo Club since its foundation in 1955. Prince Charles played for over 40 years, even in high-goaltournaments, and reached an amateur after all, a handicap of four. His sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, also play regularly. Queen Elizabeth II is also involved in the sport of polo. It breeds it self polo ponies and regularly the award ceremony at the Queen`s Cup and the Coronation Cup.

Edit: Ich habe die Wortabstände wieder eingefügt, damit der Text leichter lesbar ist.
Frage von tobia997 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.06.2014 - 01:35

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.06.2014 - 14:12
hler im erstenDrittel deines Textes markiert
1. : Polo is a gane played on a field with 2 Teams of 4 players each. They,
lay on the backs of hurses. The aim of the game is to score each other. Hurses are used in this sport. Other used exuipments in this sports are a ball,[+++] field [+++]usually 275 meters long an 138 meters wirdey a smallan wooden or plasic ball an mallets. Soon I will tell you somethingabout the equipment...

2. History of polo:
The origins of polo can be traced to 300 BC in the Indian state of Manipur. where it was played under the name Sagol Kangjei.It was said to be spread even to 525 BC under the name Pulu in Persia. Over the centuries it came to other countries, including Tibet, China, India and Japan. During the fifties of the 19th century British officers learned the game in India and bringing it to the UK. The first polo club in the modern era was founded in the 1859 Assam Cachar Club. In England it[+++] first played in 1869, in the United States began with Polo [+++]1876. Dachberband The is the Hurlinghan Polo Association in London. Hurlingham introduced in 1874 for the first time a game 

tgobia997, ich fürchte, du wirst hier keinen Korrektor finden: ich habe hier nur mal auf die Schnelle deine Fehler im ersten Teil markiert ... daneben habe ich denVerdacht, dass auch Onkel Googles Übersetzer etwas mitgeholfen hat.
Also: zu viele Fehler; fast unkorrigierbar.

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Antwort von matata | 03.06.2014 - 15:13
---> Hier kann man die Fachausdrücke finden für diesen Sport

Ich kann dir auch den Bilderduden *  empfehlen: Auf der Seite Pferdesport sind alle Einzelheiten zu finden von Reiter und Pferd in diesem Sport.

* aus der Bibliothek ausleihen...
Du solltest halt früher mit der Arbeit für dieses Referat beginnen... 

Es gibt in Deutschland mehrere Poloclubs, die sogar Wörterlisten herausgeben in Deutsch-Englisch, damit die Besucher wissen, was abgeht auf dem Spielfeld. Da könnte man nachfragen, ob man so etwas bekommen kann, zusammen mit guten Bildern von Spielszenen. Und damit wären wir wieder beim Thema Zeit...
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