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Referat: Whitney Houston - Die Souldiva

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Whitney Houston - The Diva of Popmusic

Birthday: 09.08.1963 Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey Relations: Whitney’s mother- Cissy Houston, gospel singer Whitney’s father- John Houston, manager Whitney’s brothers- Michael & Gary Houston Whitney’s cousin- Dione Warwick Beginning of her singing career: Age 11, singing in a gospel choir “new Hope Baptist Junior Choir” Throughout youth: Sang and modelled (starting in 1981; appeared on the cover of magazines such as glamour and Seventeen) Personal: husband Bobby Brown, married in 1992 First child Bobbi Kristina, born in 1993

Whitney‘s family
Her mother is Emily Dinkard also called Cissy. She was a soul-artist and member of the gospel-group “the Dinkard Sisters”. She supported superstars like Elvis Presley while she was their backround artist. Her father is named John Houston. He managed tours for his wife. He cared very well for his daughter during this time. In an interview Whitney said that her father was a big support for her mother and her. He did everything for Whitney: He made her hair, changed her nappies and cooked for her.

Whitney‘s life as a popstar
She was educated very strict religious so she was often in the church. Her first appearance was in the “New Hope Baptist Church”. At an age of 11 she sang “Guide me, Oh thou Great Jehovah”. Whitney’s big brothers Michael and Gary supported her. Michael became her production manager and Gary sang in the choir of her band, sometimes he was Whitney’s duet partner. For Whitney her family was/is very important so she’ll never forget where she came from. In the early 80’s Whitney started her second promising career. Her first orders were jobs as a photo model. Her photos were published in US-magazines like Cosmopolitan and Young Miss. She was on many frontpages of famous magazines. She also got TV-roles in popular sitcoms like “Silverspoons” or “Gimme a Break”. The first time when the Arista president Clive Davis saw Whitney performing on stage he immediately realized Whitneys’s potential. This way she got her first disc-contract in 1983. Her first album “Whitney Houston” was published in 1984. With the singles “Saving all my love for you” she occupied the first place in the UK-charts but also in Europe. When in 1987 “I wanna dance with somebody” was published the album went in the American music history, because never before an artist reached at once the top of the charts. She holds the record for seven number 1 hits. In this year she got a lot awards among them the American Music Award in the categories“Pop Female Vocal and “Soul/RnB Female Vocal”. In 1988 Whitney sang the Olympic Hymn “One moment in time”. In 1992 Whitney married the rapper Bobby Brown and also the rumours about a career as an actress confirmed themselves in the same year. Her first film was “The Bodyguard”. The soundtrack to this film was “I will always love you“ which was very successful in the worldwide charts became the best sold single of the year in the USA. It was sold more than 4 million times and spent fourteen weeks on the first place. In 1993 Whitney became mother. Her daughter was named Bobbi Kristina. To spend as much time as possible with her she took her along to all her appearances. In 1995 and 1997 she presented her new films “Waiting to Exhale” and “The Preacher’s Wife”. The soundtrack to “Waiting to Exhale” had very much success. Whitney worked together with other famous artists for example Mary J. Blidge, TLC and Tony Braxton. In 1998 the film “The Prince of Egypt” came into the German cinemas. For the soundtrack “When you believe” Whitney worked together with Mariah Carey. Nobody had ever thought of this duet because there was the rumour that they can’t stand each other. In the same year Whitney published the long player “My love is your love”. A lot producers for example Wyclef Jean or Missy Elliott supported Whitney with this album. The year 2000, which was the 15th year of her unusual career, was a great year for her. She won her 6th Grammy for “It’s not right but it’s ok” and published the combination of her greatest hits. It was sold more than eight million times. In 2001 Whitney got the BET-Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2003 Whitney’s father and manager John Houston died in an age of eighty-two, in New York. John Houston already managed black artists at the time of racial segregation.

Just whitney (2002) Love,Whitney (2001) The Greatest Hits (2000) My Love Is Your Love (1998) The Preacher's Wife (1996) Waiting To Exhale (1994) The Bodyguard (1992) I'm Your Baby Tonight (1990) Whitney (1987) Whitney Houston (1985)

Sources: Microsoft Encarta 2003 Data Becker Lexikon 2000
Dies ist ein Referat in Englisch über die Souldiva Whitney Houston, welches ihre Bio- und Discographie beinhaltet. Informationen über ihre Herkunft, ihre Familie sowie ihre Musik- und Filmkarriere. Eine schöne Powerpoint-Präsentation mit vielen Fotos. (11 Folien) (789 Wörter)
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