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The Olympic Games

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are a big sport event, which takes place every four years. Originally they were implemented in Olympia in Greece.
Since 1896 the Olympic Games and the Olympic summer games, with exception of the two world wars, take regularly place again. In the year 1924 for the first time additionally to the summer games also Olympic winter Games were organized. The winter games took place until 1992 in the same year as the summer games - since 1994 shifts by two years.
Today 202 different countries participate in Olympic Games. This number is higher than those of the countries, which are recognized of the United Nations (momentarily 192).
The Olympic Games uses many symbols. The most well-known is probably the Olympic flag with the five multi colour, devoured rings on a white field. The six colours white, red, blue, green, yellow and black were selected, because the flag of each country in the world exhibits at least one of these colours. Further the number of rings stands for the five continents (classical counting method). The Olympic flare is ignited from historical place in Olympia and carried in a relay run to the venue.
22nd September,2005

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