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Brave New World: Chapter 9

Frage: Brave New World: Chapter 9
(3 Antworten)

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Ich habe eine Summary zu dem 9.
Kapitel aus "Brave New World" von Aldous Huxley geschrieben und bitte nun euch diese auf Rechtschreibfehler und Grammatik zu korrigieren.

Ich bin mir nämlich meistens noch nicht so ganz sicher welche Zeiten ich wann benutze...

Vielen Dank im Vorraus für eure Korrekturhilfe!

Frage von Laurentia_Casa (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.09.2012 - 13:43

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Antwort von Laurentia_Casa (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.09.2012 - 14:23
Hier der Text :)

Chapter IX – Brave New World

Chapter 9 of the Novel “Brave New World” written by Aldous Huxley, deals with a trip to the Savage Reservation in New Mexico.
Lenina take enough soma and goes on a so called “soma- holiday”.
Soma is a drug which has a joyful effect; you skip the present and have happy hallucinations. So Lenina is absent for eighteen hours. Bernard visits Mustapha Mond at the next day. He has seven hours left until Lenina is back from the “soma- holiday”. Bernard goes to the world controllers’ office in Whitehall and talk about his plan to make an experiment with John and Linda.
He will bring them back to civilized London and said it is of sufficient scientific interest.

Meanwhile John is back at the restroom and searched for Bernard, he do not find anyone. Then he goes into the house and finds the suit-case of Lenina.
He is fascinated by the smell of the perfume, takes her scarf and is very happy about seeing such nice things. Then he finds the other room where Lenina is lying on the bed.
John is overcome by emotions. He quote something out of Shakespeare`s Romeo and Juiliet in his thoughts and also wanted to touch Lenina’s body. But he stops and is ashamed of his thoughts about Lenina.
The sound of the helicopter disturbed his thoughts and he left the room.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.09.2012 - 22:42
Bedenke, dass Inhaltgsangaben im Präsens geschrieb en werden; ein Großteil deiner Fehler liegen in der falschen Zeit-Wahl begründet.

Chapter 9 of the Novel “Brave New World” written by Aldous Huxley, deals with a trip to the Savage Reservation in New Mexico.
Lenina has taken enough soma and goes on a so called “soma- holiday”. Soma is a drug which has a joyful effect; you skip the present and have happy hallucinations. So Lenina will beabsent for eighteen hours. Bernard visits Mustapha Mond on the next day. He has seven hours left until Lenina will be back from her “soma- holiday”. Bernard goes to the world controller`s office in Whitehall and talks about his plan to make an experiment with John and Linda.
He plans to bring them back to civilized London and says it
will be of sufficient scientific interest.

Meanwhile John is back at the restroom and looks for for Bernard, he does not find anyone. He goes into the house and finds
Lenina`s suit-case .
He is fascinated by the smell of her perfume, takes her scarf and is very happy about seeing such nice things. Then he finds the other room where Lenina is lying on the bed.
John is overcome by emotions. He quotes something from Shakespeare`s Romeo and Juiliet in his thoughts and also wants to touch Lenina’s body. But he stops and is ashamed of his thoughts about Lenina.
The sound of a helicopter disturbs his thoughts and he leaves the room.

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Antwort von Laurentia_Casa (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.09.2012 - 16:08
vielen dank für deine Hilfe :)

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