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Comment bite korrigieren :)

Frage: Comment bite korrigieren :)
(2 Antworten)

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There was a discussion about what is probably important for workers in a franchise.
I have read an article about US worker, I was surprised that the appreciation of good work done, feeling in the know of things going on and sympathic understanding of personal problems are most important for the workers. For me the good working conditions, good wages and the personal loyalty is most important. Because if the working conditions are very bad, how will you work there and what will you do with your money if you are not healthy. So that´s why I think this threee things are important.
Altought I can understand why it is imprtant for teenagers in the US, the costumers are like kings and queens for the worker. So they have to be friendly all the time. If they have not a friendly team with whom they can work well all the time, than they can not be nice to the costumers. So the Americans have another attitude, that´s why they think in a different way. We have to diffrence the hopes of the workers in the US and in Germany.
Frage von schlumpfine | am 02.11.2013 - 18:46

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Antwort von Davewmann007 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.11.2013 - 17:55
There was a discussion about what is probably important for workers in a franchise. I have read an article about US worker,
I was surprised that the appreciation of good work done, feeling in the know of things going on and sympathetic understanding of personal problems are most important for the workers. For me the good working conditions, good wages and the personal loyalty is most important. Because if the working conditions are very bad, how will you work there and what will you do with your money if you are not healthy. So that´s why I think this three things are important. Altought I can understand why it is important for teenagers in the US, the costumers are like kings and queens for the worker. So they have to be friendly all the time. If they have not a friendly team with them they can work well all the time, than they can not be nice to the costumers. So the Americans have another attitude, that´s why they think in a different way. We have to diffrence the hopes of the workers in the US and in Germany.

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.12.2013 - 12:55
There was a discussion about what is probably important for workers in a franchise. I have read an article about US worker, I was surprised that the appreciation of good work done, feeling in the know of things going on and sympathetic understanding of personal problems are most important for the workers. For me the good working conditions, good wages and the personal loyalty is most important. Because if the working conditions are very bad, how will you work there and what will you do with your money if you are not healthy. So that´s why I think this three things are important. Altought I can understand why it is important for teenagers in the US, the costumers are like kings and queens for the worker. So they have to be friendly all the time. If they have not a friendly team with them they can work well all the time, than they can not be nice to the costumers. So the Americans have another attitude, that´s why they think in a different way. We have to diffrence the hopes of the workers in the US and in Germany.

@ Davewmann007 , es ist gut, dass du den Weg hierher gefunden hast; beachte aber in Zukunft Folgendes:

1) Schaue auf das Datum, wann eine Anfrage eingestellt wurde; die von dir bearbeitete ist genau einen Monat alt, das ist auch für den Anfrager Schnee von gestern; mal ehrlich: was interessiert dich denn die Englisch Hausarbeit, die einen Monat zurück liegt.

2) Bitte korrigiere nur in Fach-Foren, in denen du dich auskennst: Englisch gehört nicht dazu: ich habe mal spaßeshalber den Text nur überflogen: demnach hast du fast ZWANZIG FEHLER ÜBERSEHEN; du wärest für den Anfrager also keine Hilfe gewesen.

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