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kurze Aufsatz

Frage: kurze Aufsatz
(3 Antworten)

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Dear Ananda,
it has been along time that we wrote us to eachother.
The last time when you had written to me you were on holiday at your grandparents. And how are you now? What did you do in the last time?

Im my last e-mail I have tell you about my final examinations. And you wantet to know the issues. And now I am finish. I have no more tests before me. I am flying about the whiffs. And I know that you are happy too when you read this e-mail.

And now it`s time to spend a gap year abroad. At first I want to fly to Spain for one week. There are a wonderful hotel. And than I want to go to french to learn this language better and want to leave there five months. Then It would be time to fly to England to my uncle and cousens. I missed them very much. And after when I were there two months long I would fly with my cousens to Italy skiing. And at last I want to fly to you for three days. I missed you very much too. We can met our wishs.

This all is my plans and please write your plans too .

Your sincerely, XY
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.02.2014 - 18:16

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 24.02.2014 - 18:19
Und? Was sollen wir für dich tun? Wie hiess deine Aufgabe? Bitte erkläre das im nächsten Antwortfeld.

Leider gibt es in dieser Arbeit wieder ein paar Mal die gleichen Fehler wie hier:

Du kannst sie selber verbessern, wenn du unter deinem Bild auf den kleinen Stift tippst. Dann kannst du Änderungen anbringen im fertigen Text und nachher noch unten am Feld Änderungen speichern anklicken.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.02.2014 - 19:34
Es soll nur korrektur sein bitte! Habe es zum 4.mal verbessert! Können sie bitte korrigieren?

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.02.2014 - 06:03
Im my last e-mail I TOLD you about my final examinations. And you WANTED to know the issues. And now I HAVE finishED. I have no more tests TO DO. [[[[[[?I am flying about the whiffs?]]]]. And I know that you are happy too when you read this e-mail.

And now it`s time to spend a gap year abroad. At first I want to fly to Spain for one week. There IS a wonderful hotel. And THEN I want to go to FRANCE to learn THE FRENCH language better and I want to STAY there FOR five months. Then it would be time to fly to England to my uncle and cousINS. I HAVE missed them very much. And after I HAVE STAYED there FOR two months [--] I WILL fly with my cousINS to Italy TO DO SOME skiing. And at last I want to fly to you for three days. I HAVE missed you very much [Komma!] too. We can MEET our WISHES.

THESE ARE my plans and please write your plans (Komma!)too

mit deinen "whiffs" kann ich immer noch nichts anfangen. Was soll das heißen? whiff = Luftzug, Hauch, Duft(wolke), Anflug [von etwas]

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