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Shepard,Sam - Fool for Love:Sicht von May -bitte korrigieren

Frage: Shepard,Sam - Fool for Love:Sicht von May -bitte korrigieren
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Ich musste über das Buch von Sam Shepard- Fool for love schreiben, mich in May versetzten und erzählen was passiert ist.

Hello everybody.
My name is May. I’m early thirties. I will tell you a story.
Long time ago, when I was a Teenager, I lived in a beautiful house with my beautiful mother. My father was seldom at home. Today I know that he fell in love with two women. Once with my mother and once with Eddies Mother. He’d live with me and my mother for a while and then he’d disappear and go live with her and his mother for a while. My father had two separate lives. Two completely separate lives with two separate families and two separate kids. It must be mentioned that my mother was his secret.

At that time, I was in the high-school. And there I started fooling around with a boy called Eddie. You know.. Everybody fooled around in high-school.
Eddie and me came to know better. We fell in love. On this time, neither me, nor Eddie knew anything of our father`s closely-guarded secret and that we’re half siblings But then came the day, when the secret was out and our relationship was doomed.

Eddie left me, I think it was because of his new girl, the countess. It was a hard time… then I loved him, I really loved him… and I love him till now.
Sometimes, my love for Eddie takes me over so completely that it is like a sickness or madness. But he left me and I have to understand it… I have to deal with the fact that he had a new girlfriend and I also have to deal with the fact that I fooled around with my half-brother. That’s crazy, isn’t it?
Since this incident much time has passed. Now I’m living in a low budget motel room on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert and I’ve got a job as a cook.

One day, Eddie came for visiting me. He reassured me that he is staying with me and will not leave me again. One hand that was sweet, but on the other hand so much happened during the time we weren’t close together. I didn’t know what I really want. I knew that he’d got a new girlfriend, but I also knew that I love him. I was torn between wanting Eddie to leave and to stay. I was desperate.

I can’t forget the fact that Eddie’s got an affair with a rich woman. I knew that he was bumping the countess on a regular basis. That made me angry. Very angry…and hating him.
I asked him about her, but he denied. He said that there hadn’t been any fling with any countess and he told me how far he drove to see me and that he missed me desperately… more than anything he ever missed in his whole life. That was sweet…
Eddie presented me a dream that we would move back into the trailer together to Wyoming. He said he had everything worked out. But I thought it was fantasy. Many times he suckered me into some dumb little fantasy and then dropped me like a hot rock. He said: “Now I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna stick with you no matter what. I promise.”
I can’t believe him. It’s not the truth I wanted him to go. But then… As he turned to go out the door, I wanted him to stay. I don’t understand what’s going on with me… I was on an emotional rollercoaster.
I didn’t understand my feelings. I really didn’t. I always saw that picture of him and her. It cut me. It cut me so deep. I tried to explain him my feelings… after that he wanted to go. And I confirmed because I was waiting for somebody. My date… His name’s Martin. Eddie reacted very jealous and angry. I could understand him because I was also jealous of the countess. I realized, that we felt very strong for each other when we were together. Eddie wanted to wait for my date and then I should decide who’s better, Eddie or Martin. Everything was a big contest for him. That sucked. I had only met Martin and Eddie thought that he was my new love.
And than… I thought that Martin came. But it wasn’t he. A big, huge, extra long Mercedes parked in front of the motel. And somebody was sitting out there in that car. It’s a woman. I thought that she had followed Eddie. Than… I remembered that this woman maybe was the countess. That was the kind of a car a countess drives. This chick was crazy. Eddie wanted to leave the motel. But it was his mess not mine.
Eddie wanted me back, after so long time, he wanted me back. He said; “You’ll never replace me and you know it!”… and yes he said the truth… I know it… that’s problem…
Frage von mutz (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.05.2013 - 14:18

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.05.2013 - 20:55
Hello everybody. My name is May. I’m in my early thirties. I will tell you a story.
A long time ago,
when I was a teenager, I lived in a beautiful house with my beautiful mother. My father was seldom at home. Today I know that he had fallen in love with two women. On the one hand with my mother and on the other hand with Eddie`s Mother. He’d live with me and my mother for a while and then he’d disappear and go and live with him and his mother for a while. My father had two separate lives, two completely separate lives with two separate families and two separate kids. It must be mentioned that my mother was his secret.

At that time, I was in [--] high-school. And there I started fooling around with a boy called Eddie. You know.. Everybody fooled around in high-school.
Eddie and me came to know each other better. We fell in love. At this time, neither me, nor Eddie knew anything of our father`s closely-guarded secret and that we were half siblings. But then came the day, when the secret was out and our relationship was doomed.

Eddie left me, I think it was because of his new girl, the countess. It was a hard time… because I loved him, I really dearly loved him… and I have loved him till now.
Sometimes, my love for Eddie takes me over so completely that it is like a sickness or madness. But he left me and I have to understand it… I have to deal with the fact that he has a new girlfriend and I also have to deal with the fact that I have fooled around with my half-brother. That’s crazy, isn’t it?
Since this incident much time has passed. Now I’m living in a low budget motel room in the outskirts of the Mojave Desert and I’ve got a job as a cook.

One day, Eddie came [---] visiting me. He reassured me that he was staying with me and would not leave me again. On the one hand that was sweet, but on the other hand so much had happened in the meantime we hadn’t been close together. I didn’t know what I really wanted. I knew that he’d got a new girlfriend, but I also knew that I still loved him. I was torn between wanting Eddie to leave and to stay. I was desperate.

I couldn’t forget the fact that Eddie had got an affair with a rich woman. I knew that he was bumping the countess on a regular basis. That made me angry. Very angry…and I hated him.
I asked him about her, but he denied. He said that there hadn’t been any fling with any countess and he told me how far he had driven to see me and that he had been missing me desperately… more than anything he ever had missed in his whole life. That was sweet…
Eddie presented me a dream that we would move back into the trailer together to Wyoming. He said he had everything worked out. But I thought it was fantasy. Many times he had suckered me into some dumb little fantasy and then had dropped me like a hot rock. He said, “Now I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna stick with you no matter what. I promise.”
I couldn’t believe him. It was true I wanted him to go. But then… As he turned to go out of the door, I wanted him to stay. I didn’t understand what was going on with me… I was on an emotional rollercoaster.
I didn’t understand my feelings. I really didn’t. I always saw that picture of him and her. It cut me. It cut me so deeply. I tried to explain my feelings to him… after that he wanted to go. And I confirmed?(1) because I was waiting for somebody. My date… His name was Martin. Eddie reacted very jealouslyand
angrily. I could understand him because I was also jealous of the countess. I realized that we felt very strongly for each other when we were together. Eddie wanted to wait for my date and then I should decide who was better, Eddie or Martin. Everything was a big contest for him. That sucked. I had only met Martin and Eddie
before and so I thought that he was my new love.
And then… I thought that Martin had come. But it wasn’t him. A big, huge, extra long Mercedes parked in front of the motel. And somebody was sitting out there in that car. It was a woman. I thought that she had followed Eddie. Then… I remembered that this woman was possibly the countess. That was the kind of a car a countess drives. This chick was crazy. Eddie wanted to leave the motel. But it was his mess not mine.
Eddie wanted me back, after so long time, he wanted me back. He said; “You’ll never replace me and you know it!”… and yes he told the truth… I know it… that’s problem…
(Zuletzt geändert von matata am 04.05.2013)

1) mit "confirmed" kann ich in ds Kontext nix anfangen.

Dein Hauptfehler war, dass du nicht immer die zeiten eingehalten hast, und dass, wenn du in der Vergangenheit (past) berichtestest, du häufig die Vorvergangenheit v(past perfect) nicht richtig eingesetzt hast.

Inhaltlich ist die Geschichte an manchen Stellen nicht kohärent, aber das kann ich nicht überprüfen.

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