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Brief an eine Freundin: Korrigieren bitte (7.Klasse)

Frage: Brief an eine Freundin: Korrigieren bitte (7.Klasse)
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 28

Könnte bitte jemand von euch meinen Brief sich durchelesen und diesen korrigieren.

Hello Ben,

How are you, I am fine.
I am now in Hoy. I am living for two weeks on my grandmother and grandfather. It is so terrible because I hate the animals, thhe forest and the fields. It is so boring. There is not internet and I love to surf with my mobile phone. There is but only one shop that is so uncool because I love to go shopping. I am missing the town and my friends. I don`t have friendshere only my grandmother and my grandfather.When I want shopping I must go to fod. I live here so one week and it is terrible and boring. I hope you have fun.

See you
Frage von samira21 | am 01.01.2016 - 14:37

Beiträge 1563
Antwort von LsD | 01.01.2016 - 16:27
Hello Ben,

How are you, I am fine.
I am now in Hoy. For two weeks I am living with my grandmother and my grandfather. It is so terrible because I hate the animals, thhe forest and the fields. It is so boring. There is not Internet and I would love to surf with my mobile phone. There is but only one shop. That is so uncool because I love to go shopping. I am missing my home town and my friends. I don`t have friends_here only my grandmother and my grandfather. When I want to go shopping I must go to fod (?). I live here for one week now and it is terrible and boring. I hope you have fun.

See you
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von matata | 01.01.2016 - 16:44
...I must go to fod

zu Fuss gehen / to go on foot / to walk

... I must walk
... I must go on foot
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