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Frage: Englisch Kommentar
(3 Antworten)

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In Germany there are many people who discuss integration.
Germany is the
most populous country in european union. Since 1950s post-war boom
germany`s economic has been dependent on immigrants workers.
So i will discuss the pros and cons how germany has become a
multicultural sociey.

A problem for nearly everyone of us is the language. Resulting from the
existing diversity many language are spoken on germany`s streets.
Indeed The foreigners want to learn the language but they are not able
to pronounce the words in a proper way. Consequntly it happens that
we as native speakers misunderstanding them.
Failures in the communication can lead to serious misunderstandings.
An other point is that many religions are practiced too strong and that
leads to opression. The difficult is to set a boardline where tradition
ends and oppression begins.

But now i want to show up some positive aspects of our multicultural society.
An obviously nice thing is the cultural input to every part of our life.
Let it be arts or music or just the different meals you can try in the restaurants.
Furthermore the foreigners are not only valuable for society but also in our
economy.They are often high skilled workers and they can settle our current
and future lack of skilled worker.

To sum up, Germany as we know it would be not history without multicultural
influences. We must learn to prize the immigrant`s tribute to our society and
give them better chances to integration. This will be the only way to face up
racist ideas who do not understand cultural characteristics. In my opinion
immigration is nothing frightening we just have to learn to deal with it.
Frage von Captain-Golden-Zeto (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.04.2013 - 19:02

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Antwort von Jack | 27.04.2013 - 20:25
In Germany there are many people who discuss integration.
Germany is one of the most important countries in european union. Since 1950 post-war boom
germany`s economic has been dependent on theimmigrant workers.
So i will discuss the pros and cons how germany has become a
multicultural sociey.

A problem for nearly everyone is the language. Resulting from the
existing diversity many languages are spoken on germany`s streets.
Indeed the foreigners want to learn the language but they are not able
to pronounce the words in a proper/correct/best way. Consequntly
we as native speakers misunderstanding them.

Failures in the communication can lead to serious misunderstandings.
An other point is that many religions are practiced too strong and that
leads to opression. The difficult is to set a boardline where tradition
ends and oppression begins.

But now i want to show up some positive aspects of our multicultural society.
An obviously positv thing is the cultural input to every part in our life.
Maybe just art or music or just the different meals you can try in the restaurants.
Furthermore the foreigners are not only valuable for society but also in our
economy.They are often high skilled workers and they can settle our current
and future lack of skilled worker.

To sum up, Germany as we know it would be not history without multicultural
influences. We must learn to prize the immigrant`s tribute to our society and
give them better chances to integrate. This will be the way to face up
racist ideas who do not understand cultural characteristics. In my opinion
immigration is nothing frightening we just have to learn to deal with it.

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Antwort von Captain-Golden-Zeto (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.04.2013 - 21:05
danke dir für die schnelle Antwort.
Nice work ;D

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.04.2013 - 18:44
Ich gehe hier von Jacks Korrektur aus:

In Germany there are many people who discuss integration. Germany is one of the most important countries in the European Union. The economic post-war boom in Germany had resulted in a lack of workes, so in 1955 a treaty was signed with Italy - and after 1960 with other European countries- to alölow foreign workers to work in Germany.(1)Germany`s economiy has for a long time been dependent on these immigrant workers. Since the 1970`s these workers were allowed to have their families come to Germany ,too, and in the last twenty years a vast ampount of foreigners, mostly war refugees, have come to Germany. And in the last fifteen years the German governments have tried to attract highly skilled IT-specialists to work here in Germany. (2) So I will discuss the pros and cons how Germany has become a multicultural sociey.

A problem for nearly everyone is the language. Resulting from the
existing diversity many languages are spoken in Germany`s streets.
Indeed, most of the foreigners want to learn the language but they are not able to pronounce the words in a proper/correct/best way. Consequently we as native speakers misunderstand them.
Failures in the communication can lead to serious misunderstandings.
Another point is that many religions are practiced too excessively and that leads to oppression. The
difficulty is to set a boardline where tradition
ends and oppression begins.

But now I want to show up some positive aspects of our multicultural society.
An obviously positve thing is the cultural input to every part in our life.
Let it be just art or music or just the different meals you can try in the restaurants.
Furthermore [---] foreigners are not only valuable for society but also in our economy. They are often highly skilled workers and they can settle our current and future lack of skilled worker.

To sum up, Germany as we know it, would be not history (3)without multicultural
influences. We must learn to prize the immigrants`s tribute to our society and give them better chances to integrate themselves. This will be the way to face up racist ideas which do not understand cultural characteristics. In my opinion
immigration is nothing to be frightened about we just have to learn to deal with it.

1) der Satz musste total umgestellt werden weil er a) inhaltlich falsch und b) zu verschroben - um verständlich zu sein - war.
2) du kannst das "multikulturelle" Problem in D. nicht nur auf die Gastarbeiter reduzieren!
3) "history" ist hier absolut unverständlich und nicht korrigierbar.

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