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Indirect speech

Frage: Indirect speech
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 31
Hallo leute könntet ihr mir english verbessern :)

Aufgabe: After you return home ,you tell a friend what sarah told you.use reporting verbs in the simple past like told me,said,explained...

1.we lived in holland before we came to new england.
=Sarah told me that she had lived in hollanf before there come to new england.

2.we wanr to star a new life here.
=Sarah said that she wanted to start a new life there.

3.The indians here call themselves wampanoag.I have met their chief,massasoit.
=Sarah told me that the indians there called themselves wampanoag.She had met their chief,Massasoit.

4.The wampanoag showed us how to catch fish.
=Sarah said that the wampanoag had shown them how to catch fish.

5.I hopr i can learn to read and write.Then I`ll be able to send letters to my family in england.
=Sarah told me that she hopes to learn how to read and write.Then she had send leters to her family in england
Frage von sweetychicken | am 19.02.2013 - 20:37

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 19.02.2013 - 21:28

________________________ - Team

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.02.2013 - 21:28
1.we lived in holland before we came to new england.
=Sarah told me that she had lived in Holland before they had come to New England.

2.we wanr to star a new life here.
=Sarah said that they wanted to start a new life there.

3.The indians here call themselves wampanoag.I have met their chief,massasoit.
=Sarah told me that the Indians there called themselves Wampanoag. She had met their chief,Massasoit.

4.The wampanoag showed us how to catch fish.
=Sarah said that the Wampanoag had shown them how to catch fish.

5.I hopr i can learn to read and write.Then I`ll be able to send letters to my family in england.
=Sarah told me that she hoped to learn how to read and write.Then she would be able to send leters to her family in England

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