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Indirect speech

Frage: Indirect speech
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 45
Hätte eine Verständnisfrage zu folgender Aufgabe.
Imagine you are Melanie an received this postcard from your friend Jill on Saturday.
Today is Monday an you tell your colleague at work what Jill wrote. (Remember to use indirect speech)

Dear Melanie,
We are having a wonderful time here. The weather is good and we swim in the sea every day. We have also done some sightseeing.
Yesterday we visited the capital city with a guide. While we were looking around he told us some interesting facts about the sights.

Tomorrow we are going to walk up the highest mountain. I think it will be hard.

How are you and when is your holiday?
Can you pick us up at the airport?
Love Jill


Melanie wrote that she has been a wonderful time there. The weather was good and they could swim in the sea.

In her postcard she said that they had visit the capital city.

(Ist es ungef. richtig)?
Frage von Ninna | am 17.05.2016 - 12:41

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 17.05.2016 - 14:03
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