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Argumentation über Obdachlose. Bitte mal kurz bewerten.

Frage: Argumentation über Obdachlose. Bitte mal kurz bewerten.
(2 Antworten)

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Freitag gehts los mit der nächsten Klausur und ich hab als Übung mal schnell einen Text hingehauen ^^. Wollte mal wissen was ihr davon hält. Bitte nicht korrigieren ich will einfach nur wissen ob die argumentation okay ist und worauf ich achten muss. Hatte dieses Thema noch nie in der Schule ^^

"it is their own fault that homeless people are homeless"

Giving money to homeless people was always controversial but is it ethically acceptable to ignore a human being who needs help ? Opinions on this matter vary. The following text is about my personal opinion and views on this subject.

Every once in a while we walk past homeless people sitting in front of stores in town. Without even thinking twice we walk past them, minding our own business.I think thats because most of the people think they are in this mess because its their own fault. They didn´t study or work so they ended up on the streets. But thats not the case for all homeless individuals.Most of them where war veterans who where despised for going to war and never got a foothold after that. But thats another subject so im not taking this any further. A lot of homeless people are also mentally ill and cant do anything to change their situation or they are children.Yes, its rare but there are also a lot of homeless children who ran away from home or got kicked out. There are various reasons as to why children run away from home and end up on the streets. One could argue that it´s their own fault because they never looked for help but not every family is perfect, and not every child is happy even when it looks like it.However there are a lot of non profit organisations whose sole purpose are to help homeless people but not every homeless individual is seeking help. They build shelters for them, provide working places or simply help them finding a workplace.This is why i think donating to charities is a good thing if you want to help homeless people. If you´re too sceptical and think homeless people would spend the money you give them for drugs or alcohol, donations are the way to go, or simply offer them something to eat or a coffee.Still, there are not enough people who think like this so i don´t think that the situation is going to change anytime soon. Homeless people are still going to be patronized and despised.In my opinion the government should help homeless people instead of funding pointless wars in middle east countries but that´s another subject for another time.
Frage von kakarott112 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 09.12.2012 - 17:44

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Antwort von HouseOfNight (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2012 - 17:48
Schöne Einleitung, mir fällt jedoch ein richtiger Schluss.

Z.B. zusammenfassend kann man sagen... Auf jeden fall etwas wo man sieht wo deine Meinung lief und dem Leser eine kleine Zusammenfassung lieferst damit sich alles vor den Augen führen kann.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2012 - 18:58
Giving money to homeless people has always beencontroversial but is it ethically acceptable to ignore a human being who needs help ? Opinions on this matter vary. The following text is about my personal opinion and views on this subject.

Every once in a while we walk past homeless people sitting in front of stores in town. Without even thinking twice we walk past them, minding our own business.I think we do so because most of us think they are in this mess because of their own fault. They haven´t studied or worked so they ended up in the streets. But that`s not the case for all homeless individuals. Most of them were war veterans who were despised for going to war and who have never got a foothold after that. But that`s another subject which won`t take us any further. A lot of homeless people are [--] mentally ill and can`t do anything to change their situation or they are no adults yet. Yes, its rare but there are also a lot of homeless children who have run away from home or have been kicked out. There are various reasons
for children to run away from home and end up in the streets. One could argue that it has been their own fault because they had never looked for help but not every family is perfect, and not every child is happy even when it looks like it.
However there are a lot of non profit organisations whose sole purpose is to help homeless people but not every homeless individual is seeking help. They build shelters for themselves, provide working places or simply help each otherfinding a workplace.This is why I think donating to charities is a good thing if you want to help homeless people. If you´re too sceptical and think homeless people would spend the money you give them on drugs or alcohol, donations are the way to go, or simply offer them something to eat or a coffee. Still, there are not enough people who think like this so I don´t think that the situation is going to change [--] soon. Homeless people will still be patronized and despised.In my opinion the government should help homeless people instead of funding pointless wars in the Middle Eastcountries but that´s another subject for another time.

Beachte bitte: ich habe dir fast alle deine past-tense-Formen in present-perfect_Formen ersetzt. Begründung: past tense nimmst du dann, wenn eine Handlung abgeschlossen ist, kein Bezug zur Gegenwart besteht oder wenn du im past eine längere Erzählung präsentierst.

Hieraber beschreibst du Obdachlose, die in der vergangenheit begonnen bis heute sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden, die Handlung/Situation ist also noch nicht beendet.

I = ich: immer groß!

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