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Monuments in New York - The Metropolitan Opera House

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Monuments in New York

The Metropolitan Opera House
The Met belongs to the famoust Opera Houses in the world. First William H. Vanderbilt founded it in 1879. Then in 1883 the “old” Met was opened on Broadway. And now you can find the Met at Lincoln Center. In 1966 W.K. Harrison designed the new Opera House, which is famous for its porch with the high arches. It’s also famous for the two big mural paintings of Marc Chagall. They are called “Les sources de la musique” and “Le triomphe de la musique” and they are amazing.
In a territory of over 60000 square meters are the biggest halls for theatres, operas, concerts and ballets. The hall for the spectators of the Met offers places for nearly 4000 visitors. Inside the Met, there are some interesting and fascinating things, for example white marble stairs and beautiful crystal candelabrums. This was a present from Austria. In the Met there are plenty of prominent people appeared. Luciana Pavarotti and Maria Callas were two of them. Conductors like Leonard Bernstein and Arturo Toscanini were also there.

Kurzreferat bzw. Hausaufgabe über die Metropolitan Opera. Die Aufgabenstellung war ein Monument aus New York kurz der Klasse vorzustellen. (182 Wörter)
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