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Englisch Präsentation über Hobby "Malen"

Frage: Englisch Präsentation über Hobby "Malen"
(1 Antwort)

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today I would like to tell you something about my favourite free time activity:
Painting pictures.
In my view “Painting pictures” is a wonderful hobby.
You can relax and have a rest.
I have painted for about 10 years. I really enjoyed painting with my grandma.
She couldn’t only draw stick figures but she was able to paint cartoon character like Heidi.

As my cousin had begun to paint, who is twelve years older than me I was also interested in painting. I dislike such pictures because it doesn’t make any sense for me. I can`t do anything with it.

At first I drew charcoal drawings like this one. My Art teacher was very enthusiastic about my skills. But this tree I didn’t draw myself because I keep my drawings
in the attic.

However, I got to know “Painting by numbers” 5 years ago:
I think everyone is able to paint pretty tableaus without any odour nuisance.
There are several producers and publishing companies which manufacture the canvases. One package “Painting by numbers” includes the prices for
the canvas, the special water colours and the brush.

Now I want to show you some pictures which I have already painted:
The pictures which shows us the
deer(s), trout stream, the bunch of roses and the mountains hang on the wall of the corridor.
The picture which shows us the guardian angel hangs on the wall of the bedroom.
It’s nice to imagine that the guardian angel is protecting you when you are sleeping.

I am going to paint pictures like “Nicholas” or “Christmas market“.
Frage von firei | am 06.12.2012 - 20:56

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Antwort von MastereyeHacker (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.12.2012 - 19:52
wie können wir dir helfen? KLingt ja schon ganz gut, auch das du (anscheinend) Bilder präsentierst...

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