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Hilfe bei Personal pronouns

Frage: Hilfe bei Personal pronouns
(1 Antwort)

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Complete the sentences 1-8 with a relative pronoun (who, which etc.) and a phrase from a-h e.g. “This is the advertisement that I told you about.

1.Bob and Helen are the People in the department who have the highest qualifications and the most experience.
2.This is the challenge which I have been waiting for years.
3.What’s the name of the company
4.I work in a team who works well together and therefore usu-ally gets good results.
5.She’s the secretary whose business card I gave you so that you could buy some things for the office.
6.Is Katrin the woman whom comes from Germany?
7.Pete Churchill is the supplier whose boss is retiring today.
8.Claire and Amandine are our colleagues from France whom you sent your application to?

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1.We met in 1986 and have known us for over 20 years.
Correct: We met in 1986 and know us for over 20 years.
2.It was a buffet so I told the guests to help themself.
Correct: It was a buffet so I told the guests to help themselves.
3.The last time I heard from him he was teaching hisself to speak Italian.
Correct: The last time I heard from him he was teaching himself to speak Italian.
4.I can’t remember me when the party starts.
Correct: I can’t remember when the party starts.
5.When the team is under pressure we must help each another.
Correct: When the team is under pressure we must help one an-other.
6.Helen is such a fantastic colleague. She is teaching ourselves how to use that new software.
Correct: Helen is such a fantastic colleague. She is teaching us how to use new software.

Ist das so ok? Vielen Dank euch :-)
Frage von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.08.2012 - 16:42

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.08.2012 - 11:27


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