Hilfe bei Personal pronouns
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2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Hilfe bei Personal pronouns:
Complete the sentences 1-8 with a relative pronoun (who, which etc.) and a phrase from a-h e.g. “This is the advertisement that I told you about.
1.Bob and Helen are the People in the department who have the highest qualifications and the most experience.
2.This is the challenge which I have been waiting for years.
3.What’s the name ..
Hallo, brauch hilfe mit dem "If" im Englischen.
Rewrite the dialogue using the right tense of the verb in brackets. Change the word order and add any other words (eg personal pronouns) you think are neceassary
Reporter: May I ask you a few questions ?
Madam: Oh sure, go ahead
R: What ... if ... four million euros in a lottery ?
M: ..