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Hilfe bei folgender Englisch Aufgabe (Versicherung)

Frage: Hilfe bei folgender Englisch Aufgabe (Versicherung)
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 2
Imagine you are working for an insurance company. Julie Riffel, a student who has just arrived from England and is now studying at Hanover University, is not familiar with German accident insurance. She has sent you an E-Mail because she has got some questions about statutory and personal accident insurance. Answer her E-Mail. Do not forget a polite introduction and ending.

These are Julie`s questions:

1. I heard that as a student I am covered by statutory accident insurance. Is that right?
What are the main responsibilities of statutory accident insurance?
2. How much do I have to pay for statutory accident insurance?
3. Does statutory accident insurance only cover students?
4. In my free time I like playing tennis, riding my mountain bike and in the winter holidays I like to go skiing in the Alps in Switzerland. Does statutory accident insurance cover accidents in all these activities?
5. Do I also have cover from statutory accident insurance when I visit my family back home in England for a few weeks?
6. How much cover do I need, if I take out personal accident insurance?
7. If I am disabled as a result of an accident, how can I find out, how much compensation I get from my insurance company?
Frage von MaxH | am 14.06.2021 - 19:30

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 14.06.2021 - 21:19
Und wie sollen wir dir nun helfen?

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