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Englischer Text: Korrektur bitte

Frage: Englischer Text: Korrektur bitte
(2 Antworten)

sind da Fehler drinne ?

A perfect sister would be someone who is not that perfect at all.
A person who knows me and cares for me nevertheless. Someone I share so many memories with embarrassing ones and beautiful ones. I can trust her to keep the embarrassing experiences to herself while we both treasure the beautiful memories.
A perfect sister would be someone I can argue with knowing that no matter how heated the argument is it would be forgotten in no time. I could entrust her with my secrets and I could keep hers.
The perfect sister would be someone who is there for me night and day. Someone who listens to whatever I have to say. Someone who points out my mistakes and my bad habits because she has my best interest at heart.
The perfect sister would be someone who stands up for me even if the whole world has turned its back on me. Someone I can laugh with and be silly with. Someone I cannot live without.
The perfect sister loves me for who I am not for what I am. The perfect sister is someone many of us have but do not appreciate enough.A perfect sister should always have time for me and enjoy the same things as me. She would always listen to me when I have a problem and should have time to go shopping.

A perfect sister would swap clothes with me. She should be my sister, my counsellor and my best friend at the same time
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.02.2012 - 17:05

Antwort von GAST | 07.02.2012 - 18:43
krass! ein sehr guter, und sehr aufgeräumter text. die vielen wiederholungen machen ihn besonders und stören kein bisschen.

was zeichensetzung anbelangt, bin ich ne flasche, hier und da fehlen aber welche.

A perfect sister would be someone who is not (that) perfect at all. A person who knows me and cares for me nevertheless. Someone I share so many memories with - embarrassing ones and beautiful ones. I can trust her to keep the embarrassing experiences to herself while we both treasure the beautiful memories.
A perfect sister would be someone I can argue with, knowing that no matter how heated the argument is it would be forgotten in no time. I could entrust her with my secrets while I keep hers.
The perfect sister would be someone who is there for me night and day. Someone who listens to whatever I have to say. Someone who points out my mistakes and my bad habits because she has my best interests at heart.
The perfect sister would be someone who stands up for me even if the whole world has turned against me. Someone I can laugh with and be silly with. Someone I cannot live without.
The perfect sister loves me for who I am not for what I am. The perfect sister is someone, many of us have but do not appreciate enough. A perfect sister should always have time for me and enjoy the same things as I do. She would always listen to me when I have a problem and should have time to go shopping.

A perfect sister would swap clothes with me. She should be my sister, my counsellor and my best friend at the same time.

die allermeisten korrekturen waren geschmackssache - oder üblichere redewendungen. daumen hoch!

Antwort von GAST | 08.02.2012 - 15:14
Ich habe mich schon sehr gewundert, wie chicckaa-lady so schnell so gut Englisch lernen konnte: Am 5.2. stellte sie hier einen Text über einen Mann und eine Frau mit über 40 Fehlern ein ... und zwei Tage später ist sie fast perfekt.

Das internet löst auch dieses Rätsel: Vor drei Jahren konnte man den "perfect sister" -Text schon im internet lesen:


Wenn ich jetzt noch Lehrer wäre, ich würde als Hausaufgaben nur noch Suchaufgaben für das internet stellen, denn dass ein Schüler inzwischen seinen eigenen Hintern mal bewegt und seine drei grauen Zellen für eine eigene/eigenständige Leistung anstrengt, ist inzwischen ja so gut wie ausgeschlossen.

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