Florida Klima Übersetzungshilfe
Frage: Florida Klima Übersetzungshilfe(3 Antworten)
Hallo ich muss nächste woche einen vortrag über da klima in florida halten und hab den text auf deutsch geschrieben und anschließend übersetzt kann ihn vvvlt jemand für mich nach fehlern korrigieren? Text 2 (Deutsch) Und nun komme ich zu meinem 2 Punkt dem Klima in Florida wie ich ja bereits sagte wird Florida als Sunshine State bezeichnet was daran liegt das Florida im Jahr bis zu 300 Sonnentage hat, Deutschland hat im Vergleich dazu gerade einmal 65 Sonnentage. DAS IST DER DEUTSCHE CLIMATE Let me turn now to climate in Florida: As I have already said that Florida is known as sunshine state what is the Florida in the year up to 300 days of sunshine has, Germany has compared (vergleichen, scheinen) to just 65 sunny days.In addition(Zugang ), the temperatures in Florida almost since the whole(ganz,gesamt) year over at 25 degrees. What is also the reason for this is the Florida as the old people`s home of the United States is called the many pensioners who winter in Florida, because the temperatures as well as never fall below (unter, unterhalb ) 0 degrees and it even in January temperatures up to 23 degrees.In the hot summer months there is often a high level of humidity (Feuchtigkeit) and it is not infrequent (gelegentlich,selten) to strong rain showers Thunderstorms in the afternoon, as they are also here to see ,but they are after a short time are gone. From August-Novembe is hurricane (Orkan, Hurrikan, heftiger tropischer Sturm) season, and it can be to strong hurricanes and tropical storms. Here you can see for example the hurricane Kathrina on Florida to come.In the winter months can also time cold air masses from the north of the United States to Miami penetration. But this is very rare, is normally as follows in the winter the temperatures are between 20-25 degrees. Next I would like to tell you something about the attractions and tourism: das der englishe dake im voraus ;) |
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 28.11.2011 - 12:15 |
Antwort von GAST | 28.11.2011 - 19:17 |
Zitat: |
Antwort von Bobobo92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.11.2011 - 19:33 |
Zitat: In the following i am going to tell you about the climate in Florida. As i have already mentioned, Florida is known as the sunshine state because of its up to 300 days of sunshine per year. In comparison, Germany has only 65 days of sunshine per year. In addition, the temperatures in Florida are above 25 degrees for almost the whole year, which is also the reason why Florida is known as "the retirement home of the USA" since a lot of pensionaries stay in Florida during the winter due to the temperatures that very unlikely drop below zero degrees. Even in January the temperatures may rise up to 23 degrees, which is illustrated in this diagram and shows the steady temperatures in Florida. The most pleasant climate can be found in spring. At this time of the year it is fairly warm with temperatures up to 26 degrees and few days of rain. During the hot months of summer there is often a high humidity and heavy rainstorms in the afternoon are not uncommon, which can be seen here, and most often don`t last long. The hurricane season is from August to November. During this time hurricanes and tropical storms may occur. Here is an example of Hurricane Katrina approaching Florida. In the months of winter cold air masses from the northern part of the USA might advance even to Miami. However, this is very rare, because normally the temperatures are between 20 and 25 degrees in the winter. Bitteschön, hoffe ich konnte dir helfen! |
Antwort von Deniiz95 (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.11.2011 - 20:14 |
Ja konntest du nochmals vielen dank ;) |
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