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Referat: Australien - Down under

Alles zu Landeskunde

Australia Down Under

1. Australia
2. Commonwealth of Australia
3. Geography
4. Climate
5. Flora
6. Fauna
7. Population
8. Religion
9. Social Problems

1. Australia

Western, South Australia, Northern Teritory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania

2. Commonwealth of Australia

  • The sixth biggest state with a surface of 7.7 million km²
  • Comprises aswell different islands in the Indian/ Southern and Pacific Ocean and a territory in the Antarctic
  • Subdivided in 9 states

  • 3. Geography

    3 landscapes:
    1.) the Great Dividing Range
    2.) Central Lowlands
    3.) Western Plateau

    4. Climate

    Equatorial - Temperate

    5. Flora

    • A big biodiversity because of an isolated evolution
    • A lot of species which are only found in Australia

    6. Fauna

    • The most famous animal of australia is the kangoroo --> 45 species
    • Marsupials are characteristical for the australian fauna
    • There are living the only mammals which lay eggs
    • A colourfully birdworld
    • Dangerous animals

    7. Population

    Lots of urban centers ,specially on the east cost and around Perth ( 92 % of the ppl. are living here)
    The interior of the mainland is deserted
    Stamped by a lot of Imigration

    • 92 % Europeens
    → 15 % are not of english or irish decent
    • 7% Asians
    • 2,4% indigenous inhabitants

    • Languages :
    →English (79 %)
    →Chinese (2%)
    → Italian (2%)
    → Others (17%)

    • 20.750.050 inhabitants ( 2006)
    • Population growth : 1,4 %
    • Imigration of Asians grows , reason : end of the white immigration policy
    Economy Agriculture:
    • One of the most important economic factores
    • 80 % of the products are exported
    • 100 million sheep
    • 25 million cows
    • 25 % of wool is worldwide from Australia
    • Vine industry

    ( carbon , diamonds , iron , gold , uranium )

    Tourism :
    ( becomes more and more important , reason : nonrecurring coutryside )

    8. Religion

    • mayority are christians ( about 70 %)
    • 15 % Atheists
    • 15% Other religions

    9. Social Problems

    • In general high quality of life Racism
    • Conflict with the aborigines
    Der Vortrag beinhaltet Informationen zu Geografie, Klima, Flora und Fauna, Bevölkerung, Religion und sozialen Problemen Australiens.

    1. Australia
    2. Commonwealth of Australia
    3. Geography
    4. Climate
    5. Flora
    6. Fauna
    7. Population
    8. Religion
    9. Social Problems

    (20 Folien) (329 Wörter)
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    • Bewertung 4.2 von 5 auf Basis von 42 Stimmen
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