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Narrator und Point of View

Frage: Narrator und Point of View
(3 Antworten)

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kann mir jmd erklären, was first-person und ein third-person narrator ist?
und wie beschreibe ich den Point of view in der klausur?
was ist ein reliable narrator und was ist ein unreliable narrator? und iwie versteh ich das mit dem omniscient, selective, objective narrator nicht :(


danke schomal :)
Frage von schnukkipupsi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 18.10.2011 - 20:19

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Antwort von janouna (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2011 - 20:37
hier beispiele für die entsprechenden narrator

Omniscient narrator:
A long time after Ron had betrayed his girlfriend Ann he saw her again. In the meantime she had fallen in love with another man named Peter,
and Ron had almost forgotten her. But when he saw her again, he was seized by strong feeling for her again
(-> allwissender Erzähler)
First-person narrator:
I saw her, and my heart beat violenty, because when i looked at her i could not help feeling that i still loved her, even if i might have lost her for ever because of my affair with joan.
(-> Ich erzähler)
Selective narrator:
She looked as pretty as he remembered her, but her movement werde slow and sluggy and he could definetly not decide whether she was just tired or still in love with him.
(3 person erzähler )
substitutionary narrator:
And how she looked at him! Could it not mean that she still loved hi, at least a little bit? If only she could forget everything and return to him!
Interior Monologue
Oh she is looking at me! Does it mean that she loved me ? She is still looking? Should I go to her?
Absent narrator (scenic dialogue)
" hello"
" hi, how are you"
"im fine and you"
"me too"
" that makes me happy"
" nice to meet you."

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Antwort von schnukkipupsi (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2011 - 20:40
@ janouna :

ohman vielen vielen lieben dank ! das hat mir echt geholfen ! echt daaaaanke :)

*puuuh* klausur hoffentlich doch noch gerettet

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Antwort von janouna (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2011 - 20:58
Daaas freut mich :) Gerne!

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