a person in a fictional text, presented through narrator, behaviour, dialogues, speech,...
explicit implicit
(direct) (indirect)
way of presenting a character way of presenting a character
directly by the author, another person indirectly,
or the character him- or herself the reader gets information about a
character by studying his/her actions,
dialogues, opionions, thoughts, behaviour,
choice of words, way of speaking
the reader has to draw conclusions
( one form is dominant
the person who tells the story,
the person through whose eyes the reader can see the event
first person narrator third person narrator
(I, me, my)
perspective is limited, allknowing perspective
personal point of view, (unlimited, omniscent),
narrator is a character in the text, non personal point of view,
tells his ideas, feelings but he does not he is a character in the text,
know the feelings of the others gets to know the feelings of all persons,
knows all about all persons
subjective objective
drama (play)
usually written to be performed by actors in a theatre, in a film or on TV
divided into acts
subdivided into scenes (it is a smaller unit of action, no
changes of place, no break in time)
typical: dialogues
stage directions f.ex.: movements, actions, way of speeking, lights, appeareance (always in brackets)
Narrator, character, characterization, drama (217 Wörter)
von unbekannt
narrator | character | characterization | drama | characterisation | englisch | english | merkmale | anleitung | tipps | definitions | explict | indirect | direct | first person narrator | third person narrator | dialogues
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