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Kurumada, Dennis, "Just along for the ride" Summary bewerten

Frage: Kurumada, Dennis, "Just along for the ride" Summary bewerten
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Text aus dem Bild:
The given extract „Just along for the ride“ was written by Dennis Kurumada in 1984 and deals with five boys, wo do a stupid act an don’t think about the effects.
Frist of all Dick, Phil, Reid, Steve an the first person rarrator drive around along the rain-soaked street. They geht bored and Phil has the idea to drive slow and knock the victim with the door on his car. They find a guy.

The afther point out that they don’t recognize the person after hit him the first person narrator sees that this guy is his friend Ken Benjamin.

In the third part the first person narrator want to stop the car, but Dick drives faster after they reagnize that a another is follows them.

In the last paragraph the first person narrator blames himself, but he decides to drives to Kens house.
Frage von Mamets331556 | am 06.01.2022 - 20:53

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