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Kann jemand diesen Text kurz nach fehlern überfliegen?

Frage: Kann jemand diesen Text kurz nach fehlern überfliegen?
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Hallo Leute,

ich bin jetzt seit einer woche in einem Englischgrundkurs.
Ich wollte in der nächsten Stunde meinen Text vorlesen, doch ich habe Angst mich zu blamieren.
Könnte jemand einmal meinen Text nach Fehlern checken? Das würde meine Nervosität beim Vorlesen senken. Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

Aufgabe: Finde ein Bild im Internet und verfasse 1) eine Bildbeschreibung und 2) erkläre was das bild mit globalisierung zu tun hat.

Mein bild: (strg mausrad zum vergrößern)

Mein text:
Descripton: In the right part of the picture you can see two ships which are invading the island. Heavy-armed soldiers that are wearing regimentals are leaving it. The soldiers symbolise different characters from Walt Disney Movies, for instance Mickey Mouse and Goofy. On the left there are some few inhabitants. Furthermore the people are afraid of the soldiers in contrast to that the soldier in the foreground is smiling. In the background you can see aircrafts dropping bombs and a battleship fires off some missiles. To the alert eye it will become apparant thet the bombs are televisions, the missiles are coca cola cans and the ships got icons from different brands, for example McDonalds, Nike and Shell. In addition to that soldiers in the background are raising a windows flag.

Explanation: What the painter wants to express is that especially the United States of America took and still takes part in globalization. They influence many and nations all over the world. Besides the USA brought their way of life to them – either friendly or violental. The picture connects the act of „bringing a new lifestyle“ and shows additionally what has changed. Because of the soldiers and weapons in addition to the inhabitants who look a bit Asian I`d conclude that the scene deals with the Vietnam War. Many details in the picture illustrate, what has changed. In that case the Asians got now televisions, computers, they eat fast food, large brands from the USA build companies there and maybe their children are watching Walt Disney movies.
Frage von Gunkey (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.08.2011 - 18:52

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