Chronological list of the American history until 1900
Sarah Lörch
Chronological list of the American history until 1900
Columbus „discovers“ the American continent
First British settlements at the East Coast (Jamestown,Virginia)
slaves are brought to America by Dutch ships
The „Mayflower“ arrives in September near Plymouth Bay.
French and Indian War
Protests against the taxation of American products by the British parliament; „no taxation without representation“
„Boston Tea Party“
America discontinues the trade with GB
„War of Independence“
„Declaration of Independence“ The declaration includes natural human rights. Such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America finally frees itself from his motherland England;
Constitution of the USA. The Confederation becomes a federal state.
Separation of powers, sovereignity of the people, right to vote (only for men)
The Constitution ist supplemented by the „Bill of Rights“ which build the basic human rights.
George Washington is the first president of the USA
The Congress decides to forbid the import of slaves
From 1840 on Industrial revolution beginns in the north of the USA; Immigrants come to the USA (mainly from Ireland)
Gold is found in California. Mexico loses the war against the USA and has to give California and New Mexico to the USA.
Last resistances of the Indians are broken by the Americans; Indians have to live in reservations.
„Civil War“ between the Confederation (South) and the Union (North). Victory of the Union; slavery is abolished in 1863.
First transcontinental railroad
The USA is developed; End of the „Frontier Movement“
1896 Discrimination of the black people continues; the Surpreme Court decides: “separate but equal“
1898 „Spanish-American War“, Spain loses the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam
Eine Aufzählung der wichtigsten Daten der amerikanischen Geschichte bis 1900. Die Liste beschränkt sich allerdings ausschliesslich auf die wichtigsten Daten, ist also sehr kurz. (277 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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