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Own story about the three daughters of the king of the sea

Frage: Own story about the three daughters of the king of the sea
(6 Antworten)

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hallo brauch eure hilfe
zu dieser aufgabe

imagine you are the yougest seal.
write the story of how you met your husband and what happened after that

zu dieser geschichte

dort könnt ihr die geschichte lesen

diese aufgabe könnt in meiner arbeit auftauchen
könnt ihr mir helfen
Frage von dokoX0X (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.05.2011 - 16:31

Antwort von ANONYM | 10.05.2011 - 16:37
bist nicht sehr lange in diesem Forum oder?

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Antwort von dokoX0X (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.05.2011 - 17:10
ich kenne die forum regel(n)

aber das ist sehr wichtig

könnt ihr mir bitte helfen

Antwort von GAST | 10.05.2011 - 17:26
Du hast eine relativ einfache "Transfer"-Aufgabe bekommen: der Text ist neutral von einem 3.Person-Erzähler erzählt, und du musst die Geschichte nun umsetzen in die 1. Person (ich-Erzählerin)
Schreibe dass:
1. du mit deinen Schwestern in einer Höhle die seehundkappen ablegt;
2. dass eines Tages ein Mensch/mann die Kappen hatte
3. er sie deinen älteren Schwestern wiedergab
4. du laut weintest dich zwang, ihm zu folgen, dass du die Nacht bei ihm verbrachtest und
6. dass du ihn am nächsten Tag heiratetest
7. dass ihr 5 Söhne hattet
8. dass eines Tages eure Hütte brannte und dabei
9. deine Seehundkappe zum Vorschein kam,
10 du dich mit der Kappe in einen Seehund verwandeltst und
11. ins Meer liefst, um zum Hof deines Vaters zurückzukehren
12. du jeden Tag an die Küste kamst um mit deinen söhnen zu sprechen.
13. du nach fünf jahren für immer fort bliebst.

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Antwort von dokoX0X (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.05.2011 - 18:02
ok hab es mal versucht
will aber vorher sagen das ich richtig schlecht in englisch bin

aber ich hoffe ihr könnt mich verbessern

It was an ordinary may day. I and my sisters were on their way to the cliff on which we always came. when we arrived we took our hoods off and put them in a cave. like every time we turned into the most three beautiful women . We jumped back into the water and swam a bit. than we swam back to the cliff us espected a young man. we saw him with our hoods and asked him if he would give us back this but he refused . We said that we must swam back otherwise our father would kill us if we are not at home tonight . The man gave my sisters their hood and they jumped in the water. only to me . I screamed but he did not want to give me my hooh back. I followed him to his house and we spent one night. The next day we got married. We had five children and we lived happily. on a summer day it happened. Our house burned and i called for help. It came a couple of men trying to cextinguish the fire. but suddenly I saw between the thatch my hood.
I took it and put it on me and turned into a seal. I ran down to the sea and swam away.
Every morning I got to the coast to talk with my five sons . but as five years were over I had to tell them that I would never see them more .I was very sad.

Antwort von GAST | 10.05.2011 - 18:43
It was an ordinary day in May. I and my sisters were on our way to the cliff on which we always rested. When we arrived we took our hoods off and put them in a cave. Like every time we turned into the three most beautiful women . We jumped back into the water and swam a bit. When we swam back to the cliff a young man was expecting us. We saw him with our hoods and asked him if he would give these back to us but he refused . We said that we had to swim back otherwise our father would kill us if we were not at home tonight . The man gave my sisters their hoods and they jumped into the water. . I screamed but he did not want to give me my hood back. I followed him to his house and we spent one night. The next day we got married. We had five children and we lived happily, but every time after he had left the house I wept a lot.. On a summer day it happened. Our house was burning and I called for help. A couple of men came trying to extinguish the fire. but suddenly I saw my seal`s hood within a pile of burning thatch.
I took it and put it on and turned into a seal. I ran down to the sea and swam away.
Every morning I returned to the coast to talk with my five sons . but when five years had passed I had to tell them that I would never see them again .I was very sad.

Na also, geht doch!

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Antwort von dokoX0X (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.05.2011 - 18:45

vielen dank

ist mir eine große hilfe

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