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Frage: Korrigieren!
(6 Antworten)

da muss immer ein buchstabe und eine zahl zusammen gebunden werden !

1 If king kong hadn`t climbed on top of the skyscrapers,...
2 if the americans hadn`t gone to the island,...
3 if they hadn`t put kong on a stage in new york city,...
4if king kong hadn`t been so huge,...
5 if the natives hadn`t given Ann to King Kong,...
6 if the americans hadn`t wanted to make a lot of money,...
7 if the americans had left King kong on the island,...

A he wouldn`t have been able to fall in love with her.
B the natives there would have had more problems.
C the planes wouldn`t have been able to shoot him down .
D he wouldn`t have been able to run away during the show.
E they would have left Kong on the island.
F they wpuldn`t have needed planes to kill him.
G they wouldn`t have found King kong there.

1C, 2G, 3D, 4E, 5A, 6B, 7F,
GAST stellte diese Frage am 18.02.2010 - 18:48

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 18:58

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 19:01
1F , 2G , 3D, 4C, 5A , 6E, 7G

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 19:10
Danke !
aber i-wie hast du zwei mal g genommen ! =)

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 19:18
beim letzten meinte ich B

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 19:19
Achso (:
danke nochmal

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2010 - 19:21
what about 1C, 2G,3D, 4F, 5A, 6E, 7B?


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