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Short Story - Mikey the Thug

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Short Story - Made by myself

Mikey the thug

He did it again. Mikey owned his next victim by punching in the victim's face, so hard that the nose was broken.
One teacher saw Mikeys action and took him to the office of the head.
It's the secound time that he had to talk with the headmaster of his school. Mikey became his last chance to stay in the school and do not anger his classmates longer.

When he arrived home, nobody was there, his parents were working the whole day and doesn't care so much about their son. He felt a lot of violence in his childhood. Mikey was very sad when nobody is there for him when he get bad times. He hasn't got much friends.

The next day he doesn't care about what the head said and kept bullying further.
All his classmates were afraid of Mikey. He was the thug of the class.

One morning his class got a new classmember. His name was Ben, he wasn't so tall and looked like a nerd. Ben doesn't talk very much and the other classmates hold distance from their new classmate.

Mikey knows who he is going to bully next. His minds were Ben have to know of who he have to keep respect in the class and his idea was to begin soft and at first he wanted to steal some pencils.

After he rob the pencils of Ben, Ben stand up and asked if Mikey gave the pencils back but Mikey said no and prepared to fight. Suddenly Mikey got kicked by Ben to the knee, thus he fell down and screaming in agony. Now he was the victim and was owned by Ben.

Their classmates were shocked. Ben took his pencils and left the room for break. In the break Ben would to sit down next to Mikey when he was eating his lunch. Ben apologize for the violence he did. Mikey was confused.

Eine Short Story von mir verfasst vor einigen Jahren. Es war eine Hausaufgabe im Fach Englisch. (336 Wörter)
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