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My family: Text zum Korrigieren - Klausurvorbereitung

Frage: My family: Text zum Korrigieren - Klausurvorbereitung
(7 Antworten)

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ich schreibe morgen eine Englisch Arbeit und da müssen wir ein Familien text schreiben könntet ihr dass bitte koriggieren und vielleicht was hinzufügen weil das bisschen zu kurz ist.

Vielen Dank ^^

The following text is about my family. My family has about four persons, my mother, my father an my sister. My older sister is 21 years old, but she doesnt live with us, because she is married. After my parents my sister is the important person in my life, because she is the best sister of all. And then i love my cousin. My cousin is 14 years old and my best friend. My family is very important to me and i have a big family with 11 cousins. And they are beautiful persons. For me a family is very important, because a family is always with you. I want to have a family with two children a boy and a girl or maybe children i will adopt. To my family belong my pets, too. I have a hamster and a little dog. This isnt important for a Turkish family, but this is a prejudice. I love my dog, his name ist Paris. With your family you can laugh together and cried together. You can always explain your problems. But a family have potential problems,too. For example when you going out you must ask your mother or your father. Or you have a boyfriend all this are poblems. But a family is the best thing of my life. I love my big family and i dont want to my family.
Frage von mellooo (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.01.2011 - 16:59

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Antwort von gamoo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:08

also ich finde deinen Text eigentlich ganz gut ! :)))
Würde denk ich mal auch für deine Arbeit reichen ;))

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Antwort von gamoo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:11
Vielleicht könntest du noch etwas über freunde schreiben die auch zur familie gehören und am ende I love my big family and i dont want to my family. muss das heissen i dont want to lose my family wenn schon ;D

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Antwort von mellooo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:24
ne dass heiss schon i dont want to my familyyy ..
hatte meine lehrerin gefragt ;))) :)))

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Antwort von gamoo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:28
oh was heisst das denn ?

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Antwort von mellooo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:33
bekle bekle az kaldi ;);));

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Antwort von gamoo (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2011 - 18:34

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2011 - 19:57
The following text is about my family. My family consists of four persons, my mother, my father an my sister and me.. My older sister is 21 years old, but she doesnt live with us, because she is married. After my parents WO my sister is the most important person in my life, because she is the best sister of all. And then i love my cousin. My cousin is 14 years old and my best friend. My family is very important to me. [---] I have a big family with 11 cousins. And they are nice/friendly/good-looking/wonderful persons. For me WO a family is very important, because a family is always with you. I want to have a family with two children, a boy and a girl or maybe children i will adopt. To my family WObelong my pets, too. I have a hamster and a little dog. This isn#t important for a Turkish family, but this is a prejudice. I love my dog, his name ist Paris. With your family WO you can laugh [---] and cried together. You can always explain/talk about / discuss your problems. But a family may have [---] problems, too. For example when you want to out you must ask your mother or your father. Or,[---] havinga boyfriend will probably lead to problems, too. But a family is the best thing of my life. I love my big family and i don`t want to leave my family.

Beachte: 1. fett WO = du hast am Satzanfang ein Objekt stehen, was aber hinter das Prädikat muss!
2. ich = I wird immer groß geschrieben!
3. ich habe dir manchmal andere Wörter zur Auswahl aufgeschrieben
4. fett = korrigiert oder verbessert
5. [---] = gestrichen

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