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Frage: mein englisch text
(2 Antworten)

hey, kann das hier mal bitte jemand lesen und vllt korrigieren?

In the following I shall consider the question if there are families which live in harmony all the time, families who have no trouble and no problems.
Do you think there are? I do not think so.

First of all, I mean that having a family is really important for yourself.There is always someone you can talk to, for instance about your problems. As a result of that, an other family member can tell you about his/her issues. That is quiet good, because you do not have to carry them around with yourself.
Families which live in harmony all the time have a good life. They do not have trouble and they agree about everything, thus there are no conflicts. To illustrate that, let me give an example: The daughter of a family in harmony wants to go to a party. She asks her mum, if she could stay and sleep there. The mother says "no". In this case an other teenager would protest against this decision, but for the girl it is self-evident not to sleep there and she will abide by the decision.
Nevertheless it cannot always be calm in a family. If there is more than one child, a conflict cannot be avoided. Today there are lots of problems in families. You cannot live in harmony every day. They quarrel with each other, sometimes without knowing the reason for their argument.

That is the reason why I think, it is not possible to live in harmony all the time. Maybe there are some families which try do do it, but it will not work, because you cannot avoid some problems in your family.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.06.2010 - 19:42

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Antwort von Wiish (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.06.2010 - 20:08
I shall -> kannst du auch I will schreiben, klingt besser

I mean - > I think
abide by -> habs grad mal nachgeguckt, kannte das vorher gar nicht ;D Du könntest auch einfach accept schreiben, ist einfacher zu verstehen :D
Allles nur kleine Sachen :))
Generell, ich weiß ja nicht in welche Klasse du gehst, aber uns wurde beigebracht, das es sehr unschön ist `you can talk to` usw zu schreiben, also dieses `you`, stattdessen kannst du `one` schreiben; also one can talk to...usw, das ist formaler.
Und ich finde am Ende werden deine Argumente etwas schwach, du sagt ja einfach nur, dass eine Familie nicht immer in Harmonie leben kann. Vielleicht erwähnst du da nochmal sowas wie, das man durch Streit auch etwas lernt, zB die Meinung zu verteidigen oder andersrum auch lernt Kompromisse zu machen und einzusehen, dass man selber auch mal unrecht hat. :)

Antwort von GAST | 07.06.2010 - 20:12
danke für deine anregungen und die tolle idee :)
das werde ich noch machen...

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