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Frage: Bitte dringend meinen email korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

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Dear Fayton,

Last week I saw the film Little Miss Sunshine and Iwas very pleased with the film.It was the most fantastic film,i have seen for the last years.That is why i write to you.

I absolutely loved the script and also really loved this dysfunctional family, who are just learning to get along.Igot completely involved with them.The movie is full of ups und downs,laughter and sadness.I found myself laughing and crying at the same time during the film.
In the family Hoover,there are so big differnts between the characters.A fanatical follower of Nietzsche,a man,who tryed a suicide,a motivational speaker and a heroin addicter.Also there is a lot of different perspektives.

All the actors in the film are so good in their job.Tey can acting, they have the potential to magnetize the peoeple.My favourite scene in the filmis,as the family was in the hospital and tryed to smuggle the grandpa after he died.

All the best,
Frage von erkan1903 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.03.2014 - 20:46

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.03.2014 - 23:12
Last week I WATCHED the film Little Miss Sunshine and I was very pleased with IT.It was the most fantastic film,I have seen for the last years.That is why I write to you.

I absolutely loved the script and also really loved this dysfunctional family, who are just learning to get along.
I got completely involved with them.The movie is full of ups und downs,laughter and sadness.I found myself laughing and crying at the same time during the film.
In the family Hoover,there are so big DIFFERENCES between the characters. A fanatical follower of Nietzsche,a man,who TRIED TO COMMIT suicide,a motivational speaker and a heroin addicter. There ALSO ARE a lot of different perspektives.

All the actors in the film are so good in their JOBS.THEY can ACT, they have the potential to magnetize the PEOPKE .My favourite scene in the film is,WHEN the family was in (---=) hospital and TRIED to smuggle (---) grandpa OUT after he HAD died.

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Antwort von erkan1903 (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2014 - 05:56

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