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Mytopia Aufsatz Englisch

Frage: Mytopia Aufsatz Englisch
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Bitte um Korrektur,es geht um ein Defizit =(
Danke das ihr euer Wissen teilt...

The most important aspects are fairness, equality and peace.
Everyone is perfect, women are beautiful and look like models, men are tall, masculine and good looking. Therefore there is no envy. Nobody is jealous of somebody, so there are no problems in this way. Moreover hate plays no role in Mytopia. Two human are meant for each other, the annoying search for the perfect partner is unnecessary. Love is present and plays an important role in the life of the citizens. Friendship is important and everyone is his neighbours best friend.
The school system is excellent, classes consist of only ten students. For this reason the highly qualified teacher can respond specifically to the individual needs of his students. At the new school, the lessons will be taught in accordance with the Mytopia curriculum, in the afternoon, the children can choose to attend support classes, theatre groups and courses to deepen their languages skills.
Illness and handicap are unknown in Mytopia. The people are strong, healthy and full of energy to high ages. Also a 60 years old person look good as a 20 years old person. Among other things is the death see as a normal thing waiting of everyone of us. Machines take work of humans in the factory, instead humans can pursue there hobbies and enjoy the life. In Mytopia is no currency, you choose what you want or wish. The society is not fixed on consumption.
Also poverty or riches do not matter, because everyone has the same. An other point is that there is no crime and also no fear.
The perfect person lives in absolute harmony with the nature.
So all in all everyone is happy.
Frage von Kristina1992 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.01.2011 - 14:39

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