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Referat über teenage life

Frage: Referat über teenage life
(5 Antworten)

Hi Leute,
wir müssen in English ein Referat über das Thema: Leben von Teenager Früher und Heute.
Leider stehe ich in English nicht gut habe den Vortrag jetzt mal gemacht weiß aber nicht ob alles richtig ist deshalb wäre es wirklich cool wenn einmal wer drüber schauen könnte. (soll nur ein kurzvortrag werden von 3 Minuten)

Family life

In those days it was quite normal to marry at the age of 18. After the Wedding it was self-evident to gave birth to a child. Nowadays the most People marry between 20 and 30. In those Days at home there were no Tv, the Family members played a lot of games together or talked about the day, but now in every houshold there ist one or more Tv-sets and Computers and seldom the Family Members play games. In the past older Brother or sister felt responsible or their younger siblings. The took care of them when the Mother was at work. Nowadays Teenager enjoy more freedom and persue their hobbies. In thoose days the Family life was general more intact but now in a lot of familys the Parents a without work and also the childreens life in Armut.


In those days the most families had one radio only and not many music channels are avaible. But Nowadays in the most households there are modern Hi-fi systems and there are a lot kinds of music for example: pop, metal, hard rock, hip-hop... The most kids today have Portable mp 3-players there are so small they can be kept in your Pockets. A lot of Kids today going to concerts of her favourite band.

free-time activities

In those days the kids go on cinema, to sport clubs, or to cafes with dancing. Outdoor games for example Football, playing with marbles and skipping was famous too. Today a lot of Teenager play Computer Games. But the most activities are expensive for example going to the cinema, theatre or to fitnees centres.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.11.2010 - 14:50

Antwort von GAST | 30.11.2010 - 15:26
Family life

At that time it was quite normal to marry at the age of 18.
After the Wedding it was self-evident to gave birth to a child. Nowadays the most People marry between 20 and 30. At that time there were no Tv at home. The Family members played a lot of games together or talked about the day. Today almost every houshold have one or more Tv-sets or Computers etc.
In the past older Brother or sister felt responsible for their younger siblings. The took care of them when the Mother was at work. Nowadays Teenager enjoy more freedom and persue their hobbies.würde ich nicht so sagen. damals haben die frauen eher den haushalt geschmissen statt zu arbeiten aber ich weiß auch nicht von welcher zeit du sprichst. heute arbeiten die frauen und die männer. Kariere kommt vor Familie. (nicht überall aber du willst ja einen kontrast darstellen)

In that time the Family life was general more intact but now in a lot of familys the Parents a without work and also the childreens life in Armut. würde ich auch nicht so sehen. Heutzutage hat die familie oft kein familien leben weil beide eltern arbeiten. Wir sind eine moderne Gesellschaft (angeblich) Es kommt jetzt wieder darauf an mit welchem land du es vergleichst.


At that time most families had not so much technology at home But today the most households are modern The people have more Hi-fi systems and there are a lot kinds of music for example: pop, metal, hard rock, hip-hop... The most kids today have Portable mp 3-players. Today a lot of Kids visit different concerts.

free-time activities

At that time the kids went to the cinema, to sport clubs, or to cafes . Outdoor games for example Football, playing with marbles and skipping were famous too. Today a lot of Teenager play Computer Games. But the most activities are expensive for example going to the cinema, theatre or to fitnees centres.

Ich finde du könntest zum leben von damals und heute viel mehr schreiben :)
ich habe alles dick gekennzeichnet was ich verbessert habe. Ich weiß nicht ob ich alles korigiert hab aber ich glaube das meiste schon.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Lumpigau (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.11.2010 - 15:41
schreib von früher in past tense und
den text über das heutige Leben in present tense

Antwort von GAST | 30.11.2010 - 17:49
Also dass Referat vergleicht leben vor 60Jahren (50er) mit dem heutigen.
werde noch was dazu schreiben und es posten aber danke schonmal für die Berichtigung.

Antwort von GAST | 30.11.2010 - 18:18
Hier habe noch etwas hinzugefügt.( ganz unten)

Family life

At that time it was quite normal to marry at the age of 18. After the Wedding it was self-evident to gave birth to a child. Nowadays the most People marry between 20 and 30. At that time there were no Tv at home. The Family members played a lot of games together or talked about the day. Today almost every houshold have one or more Tv-sets or Computers etc.
In the past older Brother or sister felt responsible for their younger siblings. The took care of them when the Mother was at work. Nowadays Teenager enjoy more freedom and persue their hobbies.In that time the Family life was general more intact but now in a lot of familys the Parents a without work and also the childreens life in Armut.


At that time most families had not so much technology at home But today the most households are modern The people have more Hi-fi systems and there are a lot kinds of music for example: pop, metal, hard rock, hip-hop... The most kids today have Portable mp 3-players. Today a lot of Kids visit different concerts.

free-time activities

At that time the kids went to the cinema, to sport clubs, or to cafes . Outdoor games for example Football, playing with marbles and skipping were famous too. Today a lot of Teenager play Computer Games. But the most activities are expensive for example going to the cinema, theatre or to fitnees centres.


In former times the school went from Monday to Saturday. Pupil are often punished of the teacher because Teacher in the past were stricter too the pupils. a lot of Pupils left school after the 8th class and looked for a work. after the 8th class it was possible to changing to a grammer school but only the best were chosen for the grammer school. Workers in shifts and those working at assembly lines were well-paid. Nowadays there a no school on Saturday. The most Pupils leave the school after 10th or 12th class. After the 4th class its possible to go to the grammer school and a lot of pupils decide on going to grammer school. Today a good scholleducation is more important than ever

Antwort von GAST | 30.11.2010 - 21:56
At that time it was quite normal to marry at the age of 18. After the wedding it was "natural/normal" to give birth to a child. Nowadays[---]most of the people marry between 20 and 30. At that time only very few families possessed a TV set.When there was a football game on TV hundreds of men gathered in front of stores that sold TV sets or radios, because the owners had installed TV-Sets in their window displays; or a family that owned a TV set couldn`t complain of very frequent visits of neighbouring families to wath TV together. The family members played a lot of games together, listened to the radio programmes or talked about the day. Today almost every houshold has got one or more Tv-sets or computers etc.
In the past older brothersor sisters were made responsible for their younger siblings. The took care of them when their mothers were at work. Nowadays teenagers enjoy more freedom and persue their hobbies. 2)
In that time [---] family life was generally more intact but now in a lot of familys the Parents a without work and also the childreens life in Armut. würde ich auch nicht so sehen. Heutzutage hat die familie oft kein familien leben weil beide eltern arbeiten. Wir sind eine moderne Gesellschaft (angeblich) Es kommt jetzt wieder darauf an mit welchem land du es vergleichst.


At that time most families had not so much technology at home But today the most households are modern The people have more Hi-fi systems and there are a lot kinds of music for example: pop, metal, hard rock, hip-hop... The most kids today have Portable mp 3-players. Today a lot of Kids visit different concerts.

free-time activities

At that time the kids went to the cinema, to sport clubs, or to cafes . Outdoor games for example Football, playing with marbles and skipping were famous too. Today a lot of Teenager play Computer Games. But the most activities are expensive for example going to the cinema, theatre or to fitnees centres.

1)würde ich nicht so sagen. damals haben die frauen eher den haushalt geschmissen statt zu arbeiten aber ich weiß auch nicht von welcher zeit du sprichst. heute arbeiten die frauen und die männer. Kariere kommt vor Familie.

2) welcher "teenager" geht denn heute einem ausgeprägten "Hobby" nach?
Frag doch mal: Abhängen mit Freunden, Musik Hören, Shoppen, und computerspiele, computer chatten... blamabel!
Ich, Jg. 1943, verlebte meine Jugend in den 50`ern; meine Hobbies damals: Geige spielen, in zwei Orchestern spielen, in zwei Kirchenchören singen, jeden zweiten Morgen und am Wochenende: Vogelbeobachtung; Mitglied in zwei Jugendgruppen (Pfadfinder, Laienspielgruppe), ca 4 x die Woche 1 - 2 Stunden Fußball; Training für die Tennis-Bezirksliga, abends zu Hause: Briefmarken sammeln und mikroskopieren.

ich werde hier nicht weiter korrigieren; du schaffst es ja nicht mal, die Nomen klein zu schreiben; die Fehlerhäufung ist zu stark;
und: wenn du nur so blasse, vorurteilsbehaftete, plakative Vorstellungen von der Zeit damals hast, lohnt sich für mich die Auseinandersetzung nicht,


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