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Frage: Englisch Referat - benötige Verbesserung
(3 Antworten)

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benötige dringend eine Verbesserung meines Textes über Katy Perry.(für eurocom)
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Katy Perry
Today I will talk about Katy Perry.

Katy Perry is an American singer, songwriter and actress and she’s known all over the world.
She is so famous that People in Germany can see her every day on the television at the channel “Prosieben”.
Katy is a great star choice to recite their motto: “We love to entertain you”
She plays a sort of singing robot inside of a building from the future.
At the clip she is performing her song “teenage dream”

Her real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
Katy changed her last name from Hudson to Perry, because she doesn’t want being confused with the American actress Kate Hudson.
The 26 years old Katy Perry was born and raised in Santa Barbera in California.
Both of her parents are pastors and she is their middle child.

She sang in a church and grew up with listening gospel music, she wasn’t allowed to listen to secular music
After her study she moved to Los Angeles and started with her music career as a pop singer.
Her first album was released in 2001 under her original name Katy Hudson and was a Christian Gospel album, which failed with the closing of the record label.
Later she worked with the production team The Matrix. The Matrix are famous for having worked with some of the biggest stars, such as Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne.
Three years later was her voice a regular feature on MTV and music channels.

One Year later Katy did background vocals for Miley Cyrus, which is one of the famoust singer in the USA.
Her single “ I kissed a girl” was released in the same year and topped the charts in over 20 countries worldwide but It was also a huge shock for Katy`s family and the small Christian fanbase.
Her mother described it as "shameful and disgusting."
But Katy said on an interview "it’s only about the magical beauty of a woman"
Her second song ” Hot n’ cold “from the album “one of the boys was released in 2008.
The Song is about a woman who want to get married, but she now, that the men isn’t good for her, because he changes his Mind like girl changes Clothes..

The third Album “Teenage Dream “was released this year.
The cover of the CD smells like lollipop.
Her album included the songs “teenage dream” and “California gurls”, which are one of the sommerhits 2010
Frage von Lualola (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.11.2010 - 20:37

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Antwort von Lualola (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.11.2010 - 20:55
Niemand ?

habe leider niemanden..der mir sonst helfen könnte ; (

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Antwort von matata | 07.11.2010 - 21:13
Ihr müsst eure Arbeiten einfach früher einstellen, damit Zeit bleibt für die andern User, sich damit zu beschäftigen und zu kontrollieren. Wenn man so das Messer an den Hals gesetzt bekommt, vergeht einem die Lust auf eine Hilfestellung.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von 12luna12 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.10.2011 - 18:02
hallo matata kannst du uns nicht vllt trotzdem helfen ?

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