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Englisch Referat zum verbessern über Katy Perry!

Frage: Englisch Referat zum verbessern über Katy Perry!
(1 Antwort)

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Hey Leute! könntet ihr mir helfen und das Referat verbessern!?

Today I want to tell you something about Katy Perry!

Katy is an american singer and songwriter and famous all over the world.
She is a great star voice and her motto is: We love to entertain you! Katy was born in 1984 in Santa Barbara and her right name is Katherin Elizabeth Hudson. Now she is 26 years old. Katys parents works in a church and she is their middle child. In her past she sang gospel music in a church and was fan of Freddie Mercury an his band Queen.
Perrys first album came out in 2001 under her right name Katy Hudson and it was a Christian Gospel album. Later she worked with the production "the Matrix". The Matrix worked with some of the biggest stars who Britney Spears. In 2004 her voice was famous on MTV and music chanels.
One year later her single "I kissed the girl" topped the charts in 20 countries worldwide. The third album of her "Teenage Dream" came out in 2010 whit the songs "Teenage Dream" and California Gurls" which was one of the summerhits in this year!
This was my short presentition about Katy Perry!

Es ist zwar noch etwas kurz aber das ist schon mal ein Anfang!
ich brauche nur noch ein Plakat!
Frage von Talita1600 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.05.2013 - 19:29

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.05.2013 - 20:15
Katy is an American singer and songwriter and famous all over the world.
She is a great star voice and her motto is: We love to entertain you! Katy was born in 1984 in Santa Barbara and her
real name is Katherin Elizabeth Hudson. She is 26 years old
now. Katy`s parents work in a church and she is their middle child. In her past she sang gospel music in a church and was a fan of Freddie Mercury an his band Queen.
Perry`s first album came out in 2001 under her real name Katy Hudson and it was a Christian Gospel album. Later she worked with the production firm "the Matrix". The Matrix worked with some of the biggest stars , as for example with Britney Spears. In 2004 her voice had become well known on MTV and other music channels.
One year later her single "I kissed the girl" topped the charts in 20 countries worldwide. The third album of her "Teenage Dream" came out in 2010 with the songs "Teenage Dream" and California Girls" which was one of the summerhits in this year!
This has been my short presentation about Katy Perry!

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