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könnte das mal bitte einer kontrolieren

Frage: könnte das mal bitte einer kontrolieren
(5 Antworten)

hallo wir sollen einen "brief" an orson wells schreiben das war der der 1938 im radio eine show gemacht hat und daruaf hin tausen ameriakner dachten das marsmänchen galandet sin das gaze hieß War of the worlds so hier mein text
Dear orson wells

I listen yesterday your radio show and was scared I think I must dead this day.
I must say it was a very interesting experimental but but that is no other way? I`ve been thinking that this is a joke but I did not know it very well, so I immediately ran to my parents and told them they should turn on CBS so they could hear it too. My father wanted to leave immediately, and but my mother said we should just wait and see whether it is not a joke is. I was over, relieved that it was just a fun, I was also angry because something like this can paralyze the whole country and that have a global catastrophe. I ask her again to make something like this
thx schonmal
GAST stellte diese Frage am 24.08.2009 - 19:34

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Antwort von Nightwalk (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.08.2009 - 19:39
öhm...ich hab jetzt kein bock das zu kontrollieren,...aber achte mal auf deine Satzstellung,...

man schreibt Englisch nicht gerade so wie man es im deutschen sprechen würde,..und deine Grammatik,...

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Antwort von Svenja_* (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.08.2009 - 19:39
Yesterday I listened to your radio show and was scared. I thought I had to die this day. I have to say it was a very interesting experiment but is there no other way? I`ve been thinking that this was a joke but I did not know it very well, so I immediately ran to my parents and told them to turn on CBS so they could hear it too. My father wanted to leave immediately but my mother said we should just wait and see whether it is not a joke. I was over, relieved that it was just a fun. I was also angry because something like this can paralyze the whole country and could devote a global catastrophe. I asked her again to make something like this .. -> Hier fehlt was oder?

Antwort von GAST | 24.08.2009 - 19:49
oh danke schön der letzte satz sollte glaub ich heißen ich bitte sie soetwas nie wieder zu tuhen aber ganz großes danke

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Antwort von Svenja_* (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.08.2009 - 19:52
Dann schreib im letzten Satz:
I asked her again to make sure that something like this never happens again.
So würd ichs glaub ich machen ^^

Antwort von GAST | 24.08.2009 - 19:57
mein englisch ist zwar nicht perfekt aber ich werde es mal versuchen.

Yesterday I listen to your raadio show and I was scared and I think today is the day on which I must die. I have to say that it was a very interresting the experiment but that is no other way? I`ve been thinking that this was a joke but I did not know it very well´. So I immediately ran to my parents and told them to turn on CBS. My father immediately wanted to leave the house but my mother said we should just wait and but my mother said we should wait to see if it was a joke or not. I was over, relieved that it was just a fun. I was also angry because something like this can paralyze the whole country.I ask her to make something like this again.

ich denke so könnte das hinhauen aber dein letzter satz ist etwas eigenartig den würde ich umstellen.

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