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Frage: Könnte das bitte jmd Korrektur lesen?
(8 Antworten)

Hi es geht um den Text unten. Es soll nur eine kurze Zusammenfassung über eine halbe Seite sein.

Martin Luther King was born on the 15th January, 1929 in Atlanta. In May 1951 he finished his study and then became a pastor.1953 he married Coretta Scott William and then in 1955 he had taken his "Doctor of Philosophy". Martin Luther King was heavy involved in the "Montgomery Bus boycott “, this was his first action for the rights of black people. After this followed a lot of actions for the rights of black people planed by him and other human rights activists. These actions had a lot of results, for example a lot of sedates where changed, after this black people were involved to choose the government of the USA. It was President Lyndon B Johnson who changed them in 1964.
Also Martin Luther King received in 1964 the Nobel Peace Prize. On the 4th April, 1968 at 18:01 o`clock, in the age of 39 years, King was shooten on the balcony of a Lorraine Motel. As a result there were many aggressive uprisings in the whole USA. While this 39 people died, 2,000 were injured and 10,000 persons were arrested by the police. A lot of people say that the FBI was introduced by shooting him.
He was buried on the 9th April 1968on south view cemetery, a cemetery for blacks. 50.000 people came to this bury.
"I have a dream" was the Martin Luther`s best known speech and was held 28th August, 1963 withthe „March on Washington for jobs and Freedom “.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.08.2009 - 21:19

Beiträge 0
Antwort von FramusGitarrist (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.08.2009 - 21:23

In May 1951 he finished his study and then became a pastor.

Ich glaube, study muss in diesem Fall Mehrzahl sein.

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Antwort von FramusGitarrist (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.08.2009 - 21:27
he had taken his "Doctor of Philosophy"

Stilistisch würde ich became a "Doctor of Philosophy" empfehlen.

King was shooten on the balcony of a Lorraine Motel.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, jedoch vermute ich, dass shot down besser ist. Die Verbform ist jedoch richtig.

Beiträge 51
Antwort von Kaddi07 | 12.08.2009 - 21:33
Nur mal so shoot ist unregelmäßig, es heißt shoot shot shot

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Antwort von Svenja_* (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.08.2009 - 21:38
In May 1951 he finished his study and then became a pastor.
-> Ich glaube da kannst du das then weglassen.

After this followed a lot of actions for the rights of black people planed by him and other human rights activists.
-> Wahrscheinlich nur ein Tippfehler aber das muss "planned" heißen soweit ich weiß.

Antwort von GAST | 12.08.2009 - 21:47
ich hahtte mal was davon:D aber weis net wo? zuhazse igwoo vergrtaeben
da ich 1 jahr lang keine schule hatte

Antwort von GAST | 12.08.2009 - 21:56
Thx für die Hilfe XD ....................

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2009 - 22:35
Martin Luther King was born 1929 in Atlanta on January 15th. (Grundsätzlich: erst die Orts- dann die zeitangabe). In May 1951 he finished his studies and became a pastor. In 1953 he married Coretta Scott William and in 1955 he took (made) his "Doctor of Philosophy". Martin Luther King was heavily involved in the "Montgomery Bus boycott “ in 1955. , this was his first action for the rights of black people. After this followed a lot of actions for the rights of black people planned by him and other human rights activists. These actions had a lot of results, for example a lot of sedates (Sedate = Beruhigungsmittel? Was meinst du hier?) were changed, after this black people were involved to elect the president and the memebers of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the USA. It was President Lyndon B Johnson who changed signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. On the 4th April, 1968 at 18:01 o`clock, at the age of 39 years, King was shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. As a result there were many aggressive uprisings in the whole USA. I n the course of these upheavals 39 people died, 2,000 were injured and 10,000 persons were arrested by the police. A lot of people said that the FBI had planned and organized to shoot him.
He was buried on South View Cemetery, a cemetery for blacks, on April 9th, 1968. More than 50.000 people came to this burial.
"I have a dream" was Martin Luther`s best known speech and it was held on August 28th, 1963 during the „March on Washington for jobs and Freedom “.

Ich bin neu in diesem Forum, kenne mich daher noch nicht mit den Gepflogenheiten hier aus.
Ich habe den vorliegenden Text als Ganzes noch einmal korrigiert, es mag sich zwar schon um einen abgeschlossenen thread handeln, es widerstrebte mir aber, die vielen Fehler in diesem Text zu übersehen.
Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn mir jemand mitteilen könnte, wie ich
meine Korrekturen in einem vorliegenden Text kenntlich mache4n kann.


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Antwort von FramusGitarrist (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.08.2009 - 23:21
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