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Englisch Korrektur

Frage: Englisch Korrektur
(1 Antwort)

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ICH HABE EIN ARTIKEL ZU EINEM BUCH NAMENS DIE OUTSIDER GEMACHT, wäre froh wenn man mich auf Fehler oder Verbesserungen aufmerksam machen könnte .
Frage von Kappagei | am 19.05.2017 - 16:36

Antwort von ANONYM | 20.05.2017 - 08:11
Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht den Text abzutippen.
Vielleicht hat jemand Lust ihn zu korrigieren:

Heroes or murders

Dead teen has been found at 03:00 am September 24th.
Murderer Johnny Cade an uccomplice Ponyboy Curtis were escaping form the scene.
In a church at Jay Mountain, wich is near to Windrixville they rescuec with Dallas Winston children, that almost died.
Around 02:00 o`clock in the morning of 24th september it happened Johnny Cade and Ponyboy curtis had an conflict with the East citizen Robert Stheldon.
they were fightin an then it happened Johnny Cade used an weapon and killed the poor teenager who got just eighteen.
His Highscool friend Randy Adderson offered that he was enjoying hin time being an adult. This ist maybe the reason becaus he had an high blood alcohol level. The fact that an greaser from the East side an who
His Highscool friend Randy Adderson offered that he was enjoying hin time being an adult. This ist maybe the reason becaus he had an high blood alcohol level. The fact that an greaser from the East side an who ist dranked ist questional, is Johnny Cade responsible for the death of Robert Sheldon?
Johnny was sixteen unique for his age, but Experts predict there`s yonna be revenge coming up between West an East people.

However after that Jahnny and Ponyboy escaped to Jay Monntain, to hide their selfes. Like the coincidence wants they rescued with the support from Dallas Winston lots of children. Somehow an small church got set on fire.
The care take were`nt able to handle the situation and luckly the three boys were there at the perfect time to safe them, but the rusult was that Johnny got injurec pretty hard.
Right now we don`t know why Robert Sheldon has such an tragic end but we know that if he hadn`t killed him a lot of small kids would be dead, so he`s also an hero.
But stay alert the gang fights bould getting serious from now on.

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