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Englisch-Indirect speech-Befehle,aufforderungen-hilfe schnel

Frage: Englisch-Indirect speech-Befehle,aufforderungen-hilfe schnel
(2 Antworten)

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Huhu, ich muss eine Hausaufgabe machen in Englisch, aber ich verstehe sie leider nicht so ganz hier die Aufgaben stellung, ahja wir können benutzten told, adviced,suggested, asked,ordered:
Indirect speech- commands
Alan Bright is the coach of Lizby Fc.
Today Lizby FC are playing Jeffton United.
In the break are
Leading 3:0, and Alan is really angry.
This is what he tells his players:

1.Frank, don´t leave your opponent so much space and attack as quickly as possible !
Dan steht da als Lösung:
He told Frank, not to leave your opponent so much space and attack as quickly as possible!

2.David, stay on the right and, please, move a bit faster!
Meins: He told David stay on the right and, please, move a bit faster!

3.Jack, don´t talk so much, use your legs!
He told Jack, not to talk so much, user your (his?) legs.

4.Andew, try to head the ball into the goal!
He suggested Andrew try to head the ball into the goal!

5.John, keep your hands away from the goal!
He ordered John, keep your hands away from the goal!

6.Simon, don’t kick the ball into the middle!
He suggested Simon, not to kick the ball into the middle!

7.Alex, try to kick the ball into the Jefton goal and not into our goal!
He ordered Alex , try to kick the ball into the Jefton goal and not into our goal!

8.Andy, don’t keep the ball so long, pass it to the other players!
He ordered Andy, not to keep the ball so long, pass it to the other players!

9.Jason, run a bit more. Don’t be so lazy!
He told Jason, run a bit more. Not to be so lazy!
Frage von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.03.2009 - 18:20

Beiträge 0
Antwort von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.03.2009 - 18:49


Antwort von GAST | 10.03.2009 - 19:03
Deine Sätze haben einpaar fehler... --> ".He told David to stay on the right and he asked him to move a bit faster.
3. He told Jack not to talk so much, he should use his legs.
4. He suggested Andrew to try to head the ball into goal.
5. He ordered John to keep his hans away from the goal.
6.He suggested Simon not to kick the ball into the middle.<-- richtig
7. He orderes Alex to try to kick the ball into the Jefton goal and not in their goal.
8.He ordered Andy not to keeo the ball so long, he should pass it to the other players.
9. He told Jason to run a bit more and he told him not to be lazy.

Du hast oft das "to" vergessen und du hast den zweiten Satz oft nur abgeschrieben, du musst auch die Personalpronomen umformen z.B. your wird zu his usw. Außerdem achte darauf das du keine Ausrufezeichen in der indirekten Rede machst! Unser Lehrer hat für sowas immer nen halben Punkt abgezogen. Sonst ist es gut!

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