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Englisch 2 -> Fehler - Verbesserungsvorschläge

Frage: Englisch 2 -> Fehler - Verbesserungsvorschläge
(2 Antworten)

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hab jetzt auch das 2.
cartoon geschrieben was wahrscheinlich in der arbeit dran kommen wird. Würde mich jetzt wieder sehr freuen wenn ihr Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, was ich von verändern könnte.

The cartoon was published by Original Artist on the
Internet site It was
drawn by Giles Pilbrow. he cartoon makes attention
to the problem of waste on the beach.

When you look at the cartoon, you can see a beach
and all kinds of waste from chips , condom, tins,
bottle, etc. On the left side is a sign on the top says
"welcome to the beachfront." Before the shield are
four waste, and the space after a search. The waste
sites are located on their towels and sunbathe on the
beach itself. Many are happy and enjoying the sun.

The cartoon points out that we are not environmentally
conscious people deal with the waste. The beach is full
of waste that is no more space for us humans. We must
take our waste to avoid such a catastrophe will come
when everyone gives their own waste, it would take would
not come sowas. If we have people to take vacations
and want to enjoy the sun, the beach, we must not inflict
harm, which everyone wants if he does leave and on the
beach is that it is sour. If there is a little waste is
collected, the more and more.

Link zum Cartoon:

p.s : in ca. einer stunde hab ich auch das 3. cartoon wahrscheinlich fertig, die ich auch reinstellen würde

Frage von Murat-e (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.02.2009 - 21:35

Beiträge 61
Antwort von alessia1992 | 25.02.2009 - 21:40
he cartoon - das sollte eher his cartoon heißen

when you look - ich würde ein if satz machen
On the left side is a sign on the top says - On the left side there is a sign which says ...

Antwort von GAST | 26.02.2009 - 16:46
-The cartoon `Titel?` is published by...
-It is drawn by..
-If you look at this cartoon then you see a beach and different kinds of rubbish, chips..
-On the left side is a sign on the top that/ which says..
-In front of the sign... searching for some space at the beach
-The beach is abuzz with rubbish which lie on towels during sunbathing. ()
- seems to be happy

- The cartoon points out that we aren`t environmentally aware people and we don`t care about the consequences by contaminating the nature.
The beach is full of rubbish so that there is no place for the humans oder animals. The denoument is that we have to keep the nature clean, but if we don`t, it will end in a disaster.
We all want to enjoy the beach so we all have to care for it. If nobody throw the rubbish to the nature it`s better for all of us and for the animals.

Guck nächstes Mal bite nochmal drüber, hast da ein paar rechtschreibfehler drin;)

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