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Fehler Englischtext

Frage: Fehler Englischtext
(2 Antworten)

The problem is typical for parents and children.
The mother just don`t trust her daughter. They have to sit and discuss about their problems. Maybe the girl will find out that she is just being too sensetive, and the mother will understand that she has not to be so strong with her. They should speak a counsellor - he could help them and explain them what their problems really are. And maybe they will even learn that they agree on each other more than they thought.

Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen wo da die Fehler sind und wie ich diese verbessern kann.
Danke schon mal..:)
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 07.09.2010 - 22:48

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Antwort von RaSh (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.09.2010 - 23:25
The problem is typical for parents and children. The mother just don`t trust her daughter. They have to sit discussing about their problems. Maybe the girl will find out that she is just - too sensetive,
and her mother will understand that she has not to be so strong with her. They should speak a counsellor - he could explain them what their problems really are. And maybe they will even learn that they agree on each other more than they have thought.


Antwort von GAST | 08.09.2010 - 09:21
The problem is typical for parents and children. The mother just doesn`t trust her daughter. They have to meet to discuss [---] their problems. Maybe the girl will find out that she is just - too sensitive, and her mother will understand that she does not have to be so strict with her. They should consult a counsellor - he could explain to them what their problems really are. And maybe they will even learn that they agree on each other more than they have though

Ich habe RaShs Korrektur zugrune gelegt

fett= verbessert/eingefügt; [---] = gestrichen


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